AutoLike, AutoComment, AutoUnfollow Users, Automatically download images from other pages and upload to your page
NOTE:- Do not use this bot for your personal account multiple times, your account may get banned by instagram if you exceed the limit of like, comments and upload. The application has been made for learning purpose and Tutorial do not use it for commercial purpose.
Its a console application with serveral options. The bot can Automatically Like/comment on instagram post based on Tag you provide to it. It allows you to unfollow multiple users at once. It also have a feature of uploading post on your page from any other page.
Requirements to use Bot are -
- you must have a valid user name and password for your account on instagram
- you must have .net framework 4.0 or greater
- for uploading pictures from another page, the page either should be public or should be in your follower/following list.