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  1. Application Pre-requisites
  2. Applcation From Scratch
    • package.json
      • dependencies for React Apps
    • webpack.config.js
      • Module loader for the JavaScript front-end apps
      • Bundle all respources together and deliver to the browser
    • .jshintrc
      • Manage the ES 6 Transpiler (?) for the React.js application
      • .CS ---> C# Compiler -----> Assembly (.dll/.exe)
      • .java ---? Java Compiler -----> Class file
      • .c ---> C Compiler -----> .exe
      • Modern JavaScript ---> JavaScript (High Level JS), TypeScript, Dart
        • ES 6, ES 7, ES 8, ES 9
        • Transpile the ES 6 into ES 3 (Browser Compatible JavaScript)
        • ES 6 -----> Transpiler -------> ES 3
        • Transpiler ---> Compiled Transformation aka Transformed Compilation
          • Babel, used by React Apps
          • TypeScript Transpiler, developed by Microsoft
            • .ts ---> TypeScript Traspiler --> .js
    • .babelrc
      • Uses Babel Transpiler for Transpilations
        • @bable/core, actual transpiler
        • @bable/cli, command line tool for transpilation
        • @babel/preset-env, Provides methods from ES 6 to Convert into ES 3
        • @babel/preset-react, ES 6 method mapping of React into ES 3
  3. Using React.js CLI
    • create-react-app, used to generate the react application
    • Installing React CLI
      • npm install -g create-react-app
    • Create React Application using CLI
      • create-react-app <APP_NAME>
    • Installing Bootstrap
      • sudo npm install --save bootstrap
  4. The package.json
    • react, the React.json package containing the React Object Model (?)
    • react-dom, the package, the is used to manage the Virtual DOM in browser to load the react application in browser.
  5. Components
    • A Component in Modern JS Apps means an Autonomous Object that has
      • UI
        • The HTML elements
      • Data
        • Data based on which HTML elements will be maniulated
      • Behavior
        • Events and Logic for the component
  6. JSX
    • XML Rule Set for JavaScript (DOM) programming
    • HTML Start-Tag must have End-Tag
      • e.g. , this will compile into error because there is not end-tag
      • corret way
        • e.g.
    • JSX HTML Attribute System
      • - The 'class' is a keyword in ES 6, instaed use the 'className' of JSX
      • value --> value
      • for --> htmlFor
      • onClick -->onClick
        ===================================================================================Programming with React.js
  7. Components
    • Implemented as class derived from React.Component base class
      • Class Component
        • public method in it
        • constructor
        • the 'render()' method that returns DOM
    • Implemenetd as function from React 15.0+
      • Functional Component that returns DOM
    • Component with State
      • The state means that the data used by component to define the DOM rendering
        • Class Component
          • the 'state' JSON object, the data within the scope of the component.
            • Once the component is unloaded the 'state' will be unloaded
            • The 'state' is always mutable
          • the 'props', the data that will be passed to the compnent from its parent.
            • the 'props' is always immutable
      • The 'state' properties are bound to HTML elements using UniDirectional Binding (?)
        • UniDirectional Binding, data from state properties will be bound to HTML editable elements and make those elements as read-only by default
    • Think of creating re-usable components if the same UI is repeating in React Application

Day 1: Exercise 1

  1. CReate a separate table component that will display Products Information by dynamicaaly generating Rows and columns based on propeties of the Product. (Mandatory Today)
    • This component will accept the 'dataSource' property that will accept an array based on which Rows and columns must be geneated (Mandatory Today)

    • This component should have porperty 'canDelete', 'canSelectRow' which will accpts boolean value. If the value for canDelete is true, each row of the table should generate 'Delete' button to delete row from collection of parent component. If casSelectRow is true then the selected row value should be displayed in TextBoxes of parent component. (Mandatory Today)

    • This component should have properties of name 'IsSortable' and 'sortKey', if IsSortable is true then the table should show data in sorted order for the property name of 'sortKey'. E.g. is IsSortable=true and soryKey="ProductName", the table should show data sorted by Product Name (Optional)

============================================================================================================================= WebComponent, W3C RICH --> UX ----> UI + Data + Behavior (Events + Methods) OCX (COM), Applets (Cross Platform)
Mozilla --> WebComponents, autonomous object model with UI, data and behavior, project polymer
Angular, React, Vue, Ember --> Common Concept called as COMPONENTS
COMPONENTS will be used or provides 'UI Composition for front-end'

  1. Reusability of UI with behavior

  2. Modern Front-End Architecture

    • Micro-Front Ends
    • FLUX Architecture
  3. Maintainability

  4. JavaScript Agonostic Front-End App. development (Browser + Mobile) ============================================================================================================================= UX for Line-of-Business Apps

  5. Server-Side communication (HTTP or Sockets)

    • ES 6 HTTP Object Model
      • fetch
      • axios
      • generators when using Redux
  6. Easy and managable data fetching using GraphQL

    • Server-side middlewares for accessing data
  7. Front-End Data Validations aka Form-Validations

    • Form in react
      • UI that contains 'fields' aka Form editable Elements
      • Logic of Form
        • Business Logic for Form
          • Accessing External APIs, REST or gRPC
            • Async
            • Promise Objects (?)
              • Like a Task Object on Server-Side, unit of Asynchronous operaion
        • Logic for Validations
          • HTML 5 Elements validation
          • Implement CUstom Rules for Validations
  8. Good Coding Practices

    • React.js Lifecycle Hooks
      • provides a mechanism for
        • Managing Parche/Child Component Execution
        • Handling memory leaks
        • HTTP Async Call management that results in updating React UI State
  9. External Calls

    • Using axios
      • npm install --save axios
        • Async methods
          • get()/post()/put()/delete()
          • returns the Promise object
        • the client app must subscribe to the promise object.
        • The React Class Comonent must subscribe to all external calls in 'componentDidMount()' method
          • This will unblock the class comoponent from delayed execution of external dependnecies
          • Since render() is already executed, any state/propes changed by componentDidMount() will update the component
        • If using the React Hooks aka functional component then subscribe to external calls using
          • The 'useEffect()' hook
            • The combination of componentDidMount() and componentWllUnmount()
  10. Hooks of Reacts 16.8+

    • Functional Components or also implemented using fucntion expressions
    • Uses 'props' to receive data from its parent
    • useState(), to define state
    • useContext(), to share data across components
    • useEffects(), to perform operations of componentDidMount() and componentWillUnmount()
    • class component has 'this' as default scope to load and execute methods of current class using 'bind(this)' within the scope of class itself
  11. Exception Handling in Render method

  12. Component Factories aks Higher-Order-Components

  13. React Single Page Application using Routing

  14. State Management with React Apps

    • redux package
      • Used to provide the Redux object model
        • combineReducers
          • a contaier to agreegate multiple redcucers into single reducer
        • createStore
          • create a STORE for the application using reducer
        • applymiddleware
          • used to manage all async calls from Actions
    • react-redux
      • Used to connect the react object model ton redux object model
        • connect()
          • used to connect the state from store to state/props of the React Component
    • Generators
      • function *fnGenerator(){....}
        • yield the result
  15. Managing external calls using optimized Traffic management on server-side usig GraphQL

    • Department
      • DeptNo, DeptName, Location
    • Employee
      • EmpNo, EmpName, DeptNo
    • http://myserver/services/api/department, will return all depts
    • http://myserver/services/api/employees, will return all emsp
    • employees/deptname
      • emp dept location
    • GrapgQL
      • Mechanism of arranging the fast queries to fetch the related data than REST APIs.
        • Apollo Server
          • Publish an Endpoint to perform data operations
        • Apollo Client
          • USed by the client app to make calls to Endpoints
      • Core Concepts
        • Define Scehma
          • schema using which data will be read/written
        • define queries
          • query strctures
        • mutations
          • methods to read/write data based on queries
      • appollo-server-express
        • USed to define the GraphQL Server with Schemas, Queries and Mutation -USed Express server on Node.js to process HTTP Requests for GraphQL to Read/Write data
      • @apollo/react-hooks
        • the react hooks for Apollo client to manager queries from react app
      • graphql-tag
        • to build queries
  16. Unit Testing of the react application

    • enzyme
      • a JSOM for testing the react application
    • enzyme-adapter-react-16
      • a bridge between enzyme JSOM and React to unit the virtual DOM
    • shallow , single component test
    • mount, testing entire DOM tree
      • npm install --save-dev enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
    • using JEST
      • npm install -g jest
    • create enzyme.js file for Enzyme COnfiguration

Day 2: Exercise 1: Create a component that will act as validation summary for the form validation. This component should be generic in such a way that, it will be able to show validations as follows - PropertyName : Validation Error Message

Exercise 2: Create a Table Hook Component as a modification of the TableCOmponents in Day 1 Exercise. Pass te data of products using Context.]

Day 3: Modify the Redux app that will dispatch an action to read the selected product from the table and display it in the AddProductComponent so that it can be updated and updated data will be shown back into the ListPrductsComponent

export default xyz; ----> generate a defualt instance of module and it can be used by the importer

import xyz from 'file';

export xyz; --> generate a module but that must be imported as type to use by its instance

import {xyz}from 'file'; let c = new xyz();


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