Programs to test performance of Apache Hadoop compatible filesystems (e.g. HDFS, Ozone, S3A, WASB). The package includes the following tests:
- WriteFile: A write test that allows tweaking client parameters like replication, IO size, number of threads etc. A single thread should be able to saturate the network or single disk bandwidth.
- ReadFile: A multi-threaded read IO test to benchmark reading files.
- FsStress: A simplistic multi-threaded client that can issue metadata requests to a Apache Hadoop-Compatible File System (HCFS) to measure its metadata IOPS.
You will need Maven + JDK7 to build the benchmark source code. The command to build the jar is
mvn clean package -DskipTests
A single-threaded write test with a 100GB file can be started as follows:
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.WriteFile -s 100GB
With two threads
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.WriteFile -s 100GB -t 2
Run without parameters to see full usage.
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.WriteFile
Start 4 threads for 10 minutes to benchmark read performance by reading files under the /myInput
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.ReadFile -d 10m -t 4 -i /myInput
Run without parameters to see full usage.
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.ReadFile
Usage: FsStress -t <runTime> -n NumThreads --enabledTests=....
-t runTime : Specify the runtime in seconds. Default is 300
-n NumThreads : Number of client threads. Default is 1
--enabledTests=... : A comma-separated list of requests that are enabled.
Where tests can be one or more of:
or 'ALL' for everything (default); or 'READS'
for all read requests, 'WRITES' for all write requests
Example Usage: Run test for 5 minutes, measuring FileSystem read performance with 4 client threads.
hadoop jar FsPerfTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar net.arp7.FsPerfTest.FsStress -t 300 -n 4 --enabledTests=reads
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