The code to use your Machine learning "Botlibre bot" at discord
You will need a bot token, to generate one follow these steps:
- Go to and login
- Create an application and give it a name and a description
- Select "Save Changes" at the bottom right and then navigate to the "Bot" section on the left-hand side.
- There, create a bot user by clicking on "Add Bot". After confirming, reveal the token.
- Copy and paste this token in discord_token in .env
- Go to OAuth2 section of your developer application
- Under SCOPES check bot
- Under BOT PERMISSIONS check Manage Roles
- Now go to the url generated in the SCOPES section and invite the bot to your server
- Go to and sign in with your email and password
- Click on "My Bots"
- click on your bot name
- now you got something like "" in your url
- "32723068" is your bot id. paste it in .env as botid
- Install Node.JS
- Download the latest bot version from the release tab and unzip it
- Go to the config folder, copy and paste the config files
- Go back to the root folder, open a terminal here and run these commands: npm install, wait for it to finish then run npm start.
- Run "npm install discord.js" , "npm install express" and "npm install request" (if required)
- Congratulations, if you did everything correctly you now have bot running.