port number: 6679
Run the following commands in project directory,
npm install
truffle compiler
truffle migrate --reset
This will deploy the smart contracts on ganache development networks. Then goto to client/
npm install
npm start
This will run the development server localhost:3000
host: https://rpc-mumbai.matic.today
Connect metamask with this host.
goto client/
npm start
Live Demo: https://tender-mclean-a3d648.netlify.com/ Matic TestNet link: https://rpc-mumbai.matic.today HealthToken Contract Address: 0xc1F6451D106330340e27F89bbcdc02Da70CB5b35 HealthCare Contract Address: 0x0fcF2235F27410EC94C612C2F4c164f7BdC9DEdE
Project in action - https://youtu.be/7PfkENkE5F0
Note: This same pdf is also uploaded on the live demo under patient's account Patient Address: 0x5Bf426E32d5D2691f4c06e0dE12FeC7B482acBc8
with the file hash as Qmbo7G8VR6pjgyTjp2vN8yn3jRw72aCQ6zxq9uWSqnMiWD