This is just a wrapper for using http package with purpose of minimum boilerplate per project and clear outcomes (including error handling) directed through callbacks.
Common setup:
abstract class FnHttpSetup {
static late final FnHttpInstance instance;
static Future<void> init() async {
instance = const FnHttpInstance(
instanceLogName: 'Project Name',
defaultAssessor: _defaultAssessor,
defaultOnFailedConnection: _defaultOnFailedConnection,
defaultOnFailure: _defaultOnFailure,
defaultRequestModifier: _defaultRequestModifier,
static Future<bool> _defaultAssessor(fnHttp) async =>
// check if the response is as expected
fnHttp.response?.statusCode == 200 &&
fnHttp.jsonDecodedResponse?['status'] == 'success';
static Future<void> _defaultOnFailedConnection(fnHttp) async {
// show the problem to user
showError(msg: 'Please check your internet connection');
static Future<void> _defaultOnFailure(fnHttp) async {
if (fnHttp.jsonDecodedResponse?['message'] != null) {
// show user the error from 'message' object on response body
showError(msg: fnHttp.jsonDecodedResponse?['message']);
} else {
// show user the error status code
showUnexpectedError('${fnHttp.response?.statusCode ?? 'UNKNOWN'}');
// do something else... maybe report to crashlytics
static Future<void> _defaultRequestModifier(fnHttp) async {
// inject something common to body, maybe a token
fnHttp.injectToBody({'token': '........'});
// inject something common to header, maybe client identifier
fnHttp.injectToHeader({'client': 'client A'});
Common usage:
abstract class AuthApi {
static FnHttp login({
required String username,
required String password,
}) {
return FnHttp(
instance: FnHttpSetup.instance,
method: 'POST',
uri: 'https://fn.http/login',
bodyFields: {
'username': username,
'password': password,
// to call login:
username: usernameController.text,
password: passwordController.text,
onRequestFinish: (fnHttp) async {
// handle what to do after request finished, no matter if it's success or failed.
onSuccess: (fnHttp) async {
// handle what to do after request declared success by assessor
final response = fnHttp.jsonDecodedResponse['data'];
// ...
onFailure: (fnHttp) async {
// handle what to do after request declared failed by assessor
if (fnHttp.jsonDecodedResponse['code'] == 'invalid_username_password') {
// show invalid password
// you can pass through the default handler