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Releases: suyuan32/simple-admin-core


09 Sep 01:02
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Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.6 更新

  • 更新:go zero 升级至 1.7.2 版本支持
  • 优化(Core): 返回禁用的动态配置
  • 新增(Core): 新增 Core Only 仅本地部署 Core 服务部署文件
  • 更新: 更新 all in one 配置
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.8.12 更新

  • 优化(vben): 修复 definedOption 缺失导致的问题
  • 新增(api): api ent/proto 命令新增 --model_chinese_name 和 --model_english_name 参数用于补充 api 注释
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.6 更新

  • 修复: 后台用户修改头像无法显示问题
  • 重构: 优化大量页面为 setup 语法
  • 修复: 部分导入路径缺失
  • 优化(ApiMultipleSelect): 优化组件
  • 优化: tab 新增图标,面包屑默认启用图标显示
  • 修复: 动态配置禁用时恢复默认
  • 优化: 移除无用组件,移除 vxe table 支持,可自行导入,不再二次封装维护
  • 优化: 移除重复 Util ,改为 remeda
  • 新增: header 新增暗夜模式按钮, 不再需要进入 setting 使用
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.6 Update

  • Update: Upgraded go zero to version 1.7.2 support
  • Optimization (Core): Return disabled dynamic configuration
  • New (Core): Added Core Only deployment file for local deployment of Core services
  • Update: Updated all-in-one configuration
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Goctls v1.8.12 Update

  • Optimization (vben): Fixed the issue caused by missing definedOption
  • New (api): Added --model_chinese_name and --model_english_name parameters to the api ent/proto command to supplement api comments
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.6 Update

  • Fix: Fixed the issue where the backend user could not display the modified avatar
  • Refactor: Optimized many pages to setup syntax
  • Fix: Fixed missing import paths
  • Optimization (ApiMultipleSelect): Optimized component
  • Optimization: Added icons to tabs, enabled icon display by default in breadcrumbs
  • Fix: Restored default when dynamic configuration is disabled
  • Optimization: Removed unused components, removed vxe table support, can be imported independently, no longer maintained with secondary packaging
  • Optimization: Removed duplicate Util, replaced with remeda
  • New: Added dark mode button to header, no need to enter settings to use
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.5.5...v1.5.6


27 Aug 01:42
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.5 更新

  • 优化(core): 优化 api 和 menu 创建逻辑,简化初始化流程
  • 优化(core): 优化 rpc authority menu_id 字段名称为 menu_ids
  • 更新: 更新 all in one 配置
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.8.8 更新

  • 优化(vben): vben 使用 setup 语法简化代码
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.5 更新

  • 重构: 所有 index 和 drawer 改为 setup 语法
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Full Changelog: v1.5.4...v1.5.5


20 Aug 05:38
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.4 更新

  • 新增(common): 新增 nats 消息队列支持
  • 更新: 更新 all in one 配置
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.8.6 更新

  • 优化(vben/drawer): 默认注册函数使用 await
  • 修复(proto2api): 生成重复 type
  • 修复(middleware): 中间件文件名错误
  • 更新: ent 模板
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.4 更新

  • 优化(Upload): 优化上传组件高度
  • 新增(Upload): 新增 resultField 配置
  • 优化(Upload): 云文件和文件上传默认支持多选
  • 优化(css/less): 大量优化 css/less 定义
  • 修复(drawer): 错误的 drawer 标题
  • 优化: 大量优化冗余代码
  • 优化(deprecated): 优化所有弃用函数为新函数
  • 优化(table): 在 tree 模式时错误的 total
  • 优化(locale): 动态语言未限制导致无法进入页面
  • 优化: mock 导入依赖
  • 优化: drawer 注册添加 await
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.4 Update

  • New (common): Added support for NATS message queue
  • Update: Updated all-in-one configuration
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Goctls v1.8.6 Update

  • Optimization (vben/drawer): Default registration function now uses await
  • Fix (proto2api): Fixed duplicate type generation
  • Fix (middleware): Corrected middleware file name error
  • Update: Updated ent template
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.4 Update

  • Optimization (Upload): Improved upload component height
  • New (Upload): Added resultField configuration
  • Optimization (Upload): Default support for multi-select in cloud and file uploads
  • Optimization (css/less): Extensive optimization of CSS/LESS definitions
  • Fix (drawer): Corrected drawer title error
  • Optimization: Extensive optimization of redundant code
  • Optimization (deprecated): Replaced all deprecated functions with new ones
  • Optimization (table): Fixed incorrect total in tree mode
  • Optimization (locale): Restricted dynamic language to prevent page access issues
  • Optimization: Mock import dependencies
  • Optimization: Added await to drawer registration
  • Update: Updated dependencies

Full Changelog: v1.5.3...v1.5.4

v1.5.3 stable

01 Aug 03:30
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.3 更新

  • 更新:更新 ent 支持至 v0.14.0
  • 修复(Common): 修复 RocketMQ 新版本使用接口导致的空指针问题
  • 更新:使用 make gen-ent 命令更新所有模块的 ent 代码
  • 更新: 更新 all in one 配置
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.8.3 更新

  • 优化(ent): 支持 0.14.0 版本
  • 修复(ent): 修复 format 函数对所有文件格式化问题
  • 新增(ent/import): 新增表格复数配置参数 -p
  • 更新(docker): 更新 docker 命令中的默认 alpine 和 golang 版本
  • 优化(docker): 优化 entrypoint 为 json array 格式
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.3 更新

  • 修复(table): search form 参数传递丢失问题
  • 更新: dockerfile image 版本
  • 更新: 更新依赖

注意: 本次更新需要执行 make gen-ent 更新 ent 代码

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.3 Update

  • Update: Updated ent support to v0.14.0.
  • Fix (Common): Fixed a null pointer issue caused by using the new RocketMQ interface.
  • Update: Use the make gen-ent command to update the ent code for all modules.
  • Update: Updated the "all in one" configuration.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Goctls v1.8.3 Update

  • Optimization (ent): Supports version 0.14.0.
  • Fix (ent): Fixed formatting issues for all files.
  • New feature (ent/import): Added plural table configuration parameter -p.
  • Update (docker): Updated default Alpine and Go versions in the Docker commands.
  • Optimization (docker): Optimized entrypoint format to use JSON array.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Note: This update requires executing make gen-ent to update the ent code.

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.5.3


28 Jul 03:01
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.2 更新

  • 更新:更新 go zero 代码至 v1.7.0
  • 优化(Common): 优化注释
  • 优化(Common): 优化 tests
  • 优化(Core): 优化 user department 和 position 返回值
  • 新增(Core): 新增 oauth 支持飞书登录
  • 优化(Core): oauth scope 字段限制扩大到 100
  • 更新: 更新 all in one 配置
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.8.0 更新

  • 优化(ent): 添加 schema not found 提示
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.2 更新

  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置默认语言
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置默认布局
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置消息按钮
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置面包屑
  • 优化(ApiSelect): 优化默认 filter 条件
  • 修复(ApiMultipleSelect): 优化参数显示,优化 filter 条件
  • 优化(oauth): 扩大 scope 长度限制
  • 修复(Table): 优化 search form 参数
  • 更新(Docker): 更新 dockerfile 镜像版本
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.2 Update

  • Update: Updated Go Zero code to v1.7.0.
  • Optimization (Common): Improved comments.
  • Optimization (Common): Enhanced tests.
  • Optimization (Core): Improved user department and position return values.
  • New (Core): Added OAuth support for Feishu login.
  • Optimization (Core): Increased OAuth scope field limit to 100.
  • Update: Updated all-in-one configuration.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Goctls v1.8.0 Update

  • Optimization (ent): Added schema not found prompt.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.2 Update

  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for default language.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for default layout.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for message buttons.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for breadcrumbs.
  • Optimization (ApiSelect): Improved default filter conditions.
  • Fix (ApiMultipleSelect): Enhanced parameter display and filter conditions.
  • Optimization (OAuth): Increased scope length limit.
  • Fix (Table): Improved search form parameters.
  • Update (Docker): Updated Dockerfile image version.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2


22 Jul 04:08
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.1 更新

  • 新增(Core): 新增系统参数配置功能
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.7.16 更新

  • 优化(gitignore): 新增忽略 vscode debug 文件
  • 修复(ent/import): 错误的 getSchemaName 函数
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.1 更新

  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置支持
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置 logo
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置网站名称
  • 新增(Configuration): 新增动态配置是否显示设置按钮
  • 优化(CodeEditor): 取消 json 格式化
  • 更新: 更新依赖


本次更新需初始化下数据表并手动添加 API 及菜单数据


INSERT INTO public.sys_menus
(id, created_at, updated_at, sort, menu_level, menu_type, "path", "name", redirect, component, disabled, service_name, "permission", title, icon, hide_menu, hide_breadcrumb, ignore_keep_alive, hide_tab, frame_src, carry_param, hide_children_in_menu, affix, dynamic_level, real_path, parent_id)
VALUES(16, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.921', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.921', 9, 2, 1, '/configuration', 'ConfigurationManagement', '', '/sys/configuration/index', false, 'Core', NULL, 'route.configurationManagement', 'carbon:data-2', false, false, false, false, '', false, false, false, 20, '', 2);

API 数据

INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(85, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/create', 'apiDesc.createConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(86, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/update', 'apiDesc.updateConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(87, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/delete', 'apiDesc.deleteConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(88, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/list', 'apiDesc.getConfigurationList', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(89, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration', 'apiDesc.getConfigurationById', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.1 Update

  • New (Core): Added system parameter configuration functionality.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Goctls v1.7.16 Update

  • Optimization (gitignore): Added ignore for vscode debug files.
  • Fix (ent/import): Corrected the getSchemaName function.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.1 Update

  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration support.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for logo.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for website name.
  • New (Configuration): Added dynamic configuration for showing settings button.
  • Optimization (CodeEditor): Removed JSON formatting.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.


You should initialize database and insert menu and API data:

Menu Data:

INSERT INTO public.sys_menus
(id, created_at, updated_at, sort, menu_level, menu_type, "path", "name", redirect, component, disabled, service_name, "permission", title, icon, hide_menu, hide_breadcrumb, ignore_keep_alive, hide_tab, frame_src, carry_param, hide_children_in_menu, affix, dynamic_level, real_path, parent_id)
VALUES(16, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.921', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.921', 9, 2, 1, '/configuration', 'ConfigurationManagement', '', '/sys/configuration/index', false, 'Core', NULL, 'route.configurationManagement', 'carbon:data-2', false, false, false, false, '', false, false, false, 20, '', 2);

API Data

INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(85, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/create', 'apiDesc.createConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(86, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/update', 'apiDesc.updateConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(87, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/delete', 'apiDesc.deleteConfiguration', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(88, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration/list', 'apiDesc.getConfigurationList', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);
INSERT INTO public.sys_apis
(id, created_at, updated_at, "path", description, api_group, service_name, "method", is_required)
VALUES(89, '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '2024-07-22 10:09:07.928', '/configuration', 'apiDesc.getConfigurationById', 'configuration', 'Core', 'POST', false);

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1

v1.5.0 stable

13 Jul 07:39
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.0 更新

  • 新增(Common): Tenant 数据权限 redis key
  • 优化(Common): 移除 redis key 多余的字符
  • 新增(Core/Menu): 新增 permission 字段用于控制页面权限
  • 更新: all in one 和 changelog
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.7.14 更新

  • 优化(vben): 优化 checkbox 默认宽度为 20
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.0 更新

  • 修复(MenuItem): 修复 menu item 在 top layout 下显示错误名称
  • 新增(Menu Permission): 菜单新增页面元素权限标识
  • 新增(hasElementPermission): 新增 hasElementPermission 方法用于控制前端元素显示
  • 优化(Role drawer): 优化权限控制抽屉宽度
  • 优化(checkbox): 全局优化 checkbox 宽度默认为 20
  • 更新(vxe-table): 升级 vxe-table 组件至最新版本
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.5.0 Update

  • Added (Common): Tenant data permission Redis key
  • Optimized (Common): Removed unnecessary characters from Redis key
  • Added (Core/Menu): Added a permission field to control page permissions
  • Updates: All-in-one and changelog
  • Dependency updates

Goctls v1.7.14 Update

  • Optimization (vben): Default checkbox width optimized to 20
  • Updates: Dependency updates

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.5.0 Update

  • Fixed (MenuItem): Corrected menu item display name under top layout
  • Added (Menu Permission): Added menu element permission indicators
  • Added (hasElementPermission): New method for controlling frontend element display
  • Optimization (Role drawer): Improved width of permission control drawer
  • Optimization (checkbox): Global optimization with default checkbox width set to 20
  • Update (vxe-table): Upgraded vxe-table component to the latest version
  • Updates: Dependency updates

Full Changelog: v1.4.10...v1.5.0


08 Jul 15:43
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.10 更新

  • 更新: golang 更新至 1.22.5 版本
  • 优化(Tools,Common): 优化常量命名格式
  • 优化(Tools): 增加 userId, roleId, deptId 传递支持
  • 新增(Common): 新增 deptctx, rolectx, userctx, datapermctx 包用于处理全局上下文信息
  • 优化(Common): 新增大量单测代码
  • 新增(Common): 新增数据权限常量
  • 新增(Common): Ent 新增 created by mixin
  • 新增(Common): 新增 data perm redis key
  • 移除(Common): 移除无用的 dept admin 函数
  • 优化(Core,Fms): 使用新的 ctx 函数获取信息
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.7.13 更新

  • 新增(Ent): ent logic 生成现已支持 string 类型的 id
  • 新增(Middleware): 新增数据权限中间件
  • 新增(gitignore): 新增过滤 vscode debug 文件
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.10 更新

  • 修复(Dept): 修复 params 导致的 department list 显示不全 bug
  • 新增(ApiTreeSelect): 新增 multiple 支持
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.10 Update

  • Update: Go language updated to version 1.22.5.
  • Optimization (Tools, Common): Improved constant naming conventions.
  • Optimization (Tools): Added support for passing userId, roleId, and deptId.
  • New (Common): Introduced deptctx, rolectx, userctx, and datapermctx packages for handling global context information.
  • Optimization (Common): Added a significant amount of unit test code.
  • New (Common): Added data permission constants.
  • New (Common): Ent now supports created by mixin.
  • New (Common): Added data permission Redis key.
  • Removed (Common): Removed unused dept admin functions.
  • Optimization (Core, Fms): Using the new ctx function to retrieve information.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Goctls v1.7.13 Update

  • New (Ent): Ent logic generation now supports string-type IDs.
  • New (Middleware): Added data permission middleware.
  • New (gitignore): Added filtering for VSCode debug files.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.10 Update

  • Fix (Dept): Fixed a bug in department list display caused by incorrect parameters.
  • New (ApiTreeSelect): Added support for multiple selections.
  • Update: Updated dependencies.

Full Changelog: v1.4.9...v1.4.10


01 Jul 05:15
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Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.9 更新

  • 新增(Common): 新增 redis tenant blacklist key
  • 新增(Common): 新增 ent department id mixin
  • 优化(Common): 移除多余的 ent with comments annotation
  • 新增(Core): 新增 access token api 接口
  • 优化(Role): 禁用角色是移除权限,移除 load ban role 逻辑
  • 优化(Core): 移除 avatar 默认值
  • 修复(Core): 获取 refresh token 和 access token 时检查用户状态
  • 优化(Core,Job,Fms,Mcms): 优化 ent schema 注释声明,减少冗余代码
  • 更新(Core): 更新 all in one
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.7.10 更新

  • 新增(git init): 创建项目成功时自动初始化 git
  • 优化(Ent): 优化 extra ent schema 生成命令, 优化注释逻辑
  • 优化(Ent): 优化 extra ent import 导入命令,优化导入注释逻辑
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.10 更新

  • 修复(Init): 初始化页面按钮在请求失败时不重置问题
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.9 Update

  • Added (Common): New Redis tenant blacklist key
  • Added (Common): New Ent department ID mixin
  • Optimized (Common): Removed redundant Ent "with comments" annotation
  • Added (Core): New access token API endpoint
  • Optimized (Role): When disabling a role, remove associated permissions and load ban role logic
  • Optimized (Core): Removed default avatar value
  • Fixed (Core): Check user status when obtaining refresh token and access token
  • Optimized (Core, Job, Fms, Mcms): Improved Ent schema comments, reducing redundant code
  • Updated (Core): Updated "all in one"
  • Updated: Dependencies updated

Goctls v1.7.10 Update

  • Added (git init): Automatically initialize Git when creating a project successfully
  • Optimized (Ent): Improved extra Ent schema generation command and annotation logic
  • Optimized (Ent): Enhanced extra Ent import command and import annotation logic
  • Updated: Dependencies updated

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.10 Update

  • Fixed (Init): Reset initialization page buttons on request failure
  • Updated: Dependencies updated

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.8...v1.4.9


24 Jun 13:56
Choose a tag to compare

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.8 更新

  • 更新(tools): 同步 go zero 核心代码至 v1.6.6 版本
  • 修复(Common): Casbin Redis Watcher 共用频道导致的权限错误更新
  • 优化(Common): 优化部分注释
  • 修复(Common): 模糊依赖导致的更新失败问题
  • 修复(MCMS): 优化 email 初始化逻辑,配置错误时不再强制退出,返回错误及具体错误的配置位置
  • 修复(MCMS): 优化 sms 初始化逻辑,配置错误时不再强制退出,返回错误及具体错误的配置位置
  • 修复(Core): get dictionary by name 返回已禁用的字典子项
  • 新增(Core): 新增 refresh token 接口用于获取短期 token
  • 新增(Core): 新增 RefreshTokenPeriod 配置用于配置短期 token 有效期
  • 修复(Fms): 错误的 dockerfile config 路径
  • 更新(Core): 更新 all in one
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Goctls v1.7.8 更新

  • 优化(makefile): 优化 makefile 命令生成模板,支持本地 Makefile 配置 docker 仓库,方便镜像打包上传
  • 重构(privacy): 重命名 privacy 模板并优化 ent 模板输出逻辑
  • 新增(middleware): 新增 extra middleware 命令,用于生成 api 和 rpc 的额外中间件
  • 新增(middleware): 新增 authority 以及 authority_tenant 中间件
  • 修复(gateway): 修复 gateway 命令
  • 新增(gateway): 新增 --name--port 参数用于配置网关名称和端口
  • 更新: 更新依赖

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.8 更新

  • 修复(DictionarySelect): 修复字典选择器返回禁用字典子项的 bug
  • 修复(Table): 查询数据位空时 table 不更新的 bug
  • 修复(LocaleIcon): 修复语言切换图标宽度太小
  • 更新: 更新依赖

注意: 本次更新需手动添加 refresh token API 以及授权才可使用

Simple Admin Core/Common/Job/File v1.4.8 Update

  • Update(tools): Synchronize core code from go-zero to version v1.6.6
  • Fix(Common): Resolve permission errors caused by Casbin Redis Watcher sharing channels
  • Optimize(Common): Improve some comments
  • Fix(Common): Address update failures due to fuzzy dependencies
  • Fix(MCMS): Enhance email initialization logic to avoid forced exit on configuration errors and provide specific error locations
  • Fix(MCMS): Improve SMS initialization logic to handle configuration errors gracefully and indicate specific error locations
  • Fix(Core): Ensure that "get dictionary by name" returns disabled dictionary entries
  • New(Core): Introduce a refresh token API for obtaining short-term tokens
  • New(Core): Add a RefreshTokenPeriod configuration for setting the validity period of short-term tokens
  • Fix(Fms): Correct the Dockerfile config path
  • Update(Core): Update the all-in-one package
  • Update: Update dependencies

Goctls v1.7.8 Update

  • Optimize(makefile): Refine makefile commands to generate templates, supporting local Makefile configuration for Docker repositories, making image packaging and upload easier
  • Refactor(privacy): Rename the privacy template and improve ent template output logic
  • New(middleware): Introduce an extra middleware command for generating additional middleware for APIs and RPCs
  • New(middleware): Add authority and authority_tenant middlewares
  • Fix(gateway): Address issues with the gateway command
  • New(gateway): Introduce --name and --port parameters for configuring gateway name and port
  • Update: Update dependencies

Simple Admin Backend UI v1.4.8 Update

  • Fix(DictionarySelect): Correct the bug where the dictionary selector returned disabled dictionary entries
  • Fix(Table): Ensure that the table updates even when query data is empty
  • Fix(LocaleIcon): Adjust the width of the language switch icon
  • Update: Update dependencies

Note: For this update, you'll need to manually add the refresh token API and configure authorization to use it.

Full Changelog: v1.4.6...v1.4.8