This is an attempt to build a small, lightweight, cheap, diy spectrometer. The spectrometer was designed to work on a Watterott StarterKit Roboter V2. The robot can connected to a PC via bluetooth. A Python program can be used to remotely control the robot and spectrometer.
The spectrometer itself (without Arduino) can be build for less than 40 €.
Instructions about how to build the spectrometer can be found on
- 1x Black drinking straw
- black tape
- 3D Printer (e.g. black PLA)
- printable parts (.stl files)
- 4x M2,5 x 5mm screws + nuts
- 4x M2,5 x 10mm screws + nuts
- 2x M4 x 40mm screws + nuts
- 1x TSL1402R
- 4x white LEDs
- 1x perfboard
- wires, pin cables, hit shrink tube, etc
- 1x Arduino
- 1x diffraction grating 1000 lines / mm (cheap source [5])
- 1x 2N7000 MOSFET