Swift implementation of OpenAI API
- Files
- Chat Completion
- Assitants
Add the following dependency clause to your Package.swift:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/swiftnative/OpenAI.git", from: "1.0.0")
You can find demo app inside and tests to get an idea of the usage.
It's build with URLConfig to be native and flexible.
API provide URLRequest for making call, and all Codable models you need.
public extension OpenAI.Chat {
/// - Documents: https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create
/// - Response: `ChatCompletion`
static func completion(_ body: ChatCompletionRequest) -> URLRequest {
URLRequest.with(.OpenAI.base) {
$0.method = .post
$0.path = "/v1/chat/completions"
$0.bodyModel = body
Just 3 steps to interact with OpenAI
/// Create URLRequest
let createCompletionBody = ChatCompletionRequest(model: .OpenAI.gpt_4o_2024_05_13,
messages: [.system(systemMessage),
tools: [.function(function)],
toolChoice: .function(name: function.name))
let createCompletion = OpenAI.Chat.completion(createCompletionBody)
/// Make Call
let response = try await URLSession.shared.response(for: createCompletion)
/// Hadle Response
let completion: ChatCompletion = try response.decode()
- create you own simple codable model to decode to, if you don't need the full ones.
- extend api, if you need more.