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AWS-Cloud-Practitioner Notes

Welcome to the AWS CCP Certification Preparation Notes repository! Here, you'll find my brief notes compiled to aid your journey toward clearing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) exam. These notes are meticulously crafted to cover essential concepts, services, and best practices relevant to AWS cloud computing. Use this repo for studying or revision perspective, these one-liner introductions to all the services & concepts help you grab concepts even on the go.

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  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Find section-wise specific topics or domains.
  3. Supplement your study materials with these notes to reinforce learning and grasp difficult concepts more effectively.


Compute Services

  • Elastic Compute Cloud : allows to rent & manage virtual server in cloud

    Types :

    • On Demand : pay for computing capacity by the hour or second
    • Savings Plan : commitment to compute usage for 1 or 3 years.
    • Spot Instances : advantage of unused EC2 capacity in the AWS cloud and are available at a discount of up to 90%
    • Reserved Instances : commit to specific instance types (option to change) in a particular region for 1 to 3 years
    • Dedicated Hosts : pay for dedicated physical server
  • Lambda : serverless compute service, charged on no. of requests, code execution time & have 1000000 requests free/month

  • Fargate : serverless compute engine for running container (like docker)

  • Lightsail : allows quick launch of all the resources for a small project

  • Outposts : allows to run cloud services in the internal data center

  • Batch : allows to process large workloads in smaller chucks

Storage Services

  • Instance Store : local storage physically attached to EC2 instance & discarded when instance is stopped

  • EBS : called a volume it can be attached to only one EC2 instance

  • EFS : is a serverless network file system for sharing files

  • Storage Gateway : a hybrid storage service, that connects on-premises to cloud

  • Backup : helps manage data backups from multiple data services

  • S3 : object-oriented storage which is highly available

    Types :

    • S3 Standard : general purpose frequently accessed storage
    • S3 Intelligent Tiering : shifts data as per usage
    • S3 Standard Infrequent Access : highly available in milliseconds
    • S3 Standard One-Zone Infrequent Access : one zone IA (might suffer data loss)
    • S3 glacier Instant Retrieval : long-lived archived data instant retrieval but only once a quarter
    • S3 glacier Flexible Retrieval : long-term backups with retrieval from 1 minute to 12 hours
    • S3 Glacier Deep Archive : long-term backups or data archives with retrieval in up to 12 hours once or twice a year
    • S3 Outposts : object storage on premises

Content Delivery

  • CloudFront : CDN that delivers data & applications with low latency, also prevents DoS attacks

  • Global Accelerator : sends data through AWS global network when accessing your content, speeding up delivery

  • S3 Transfer Acceleration : improves content uploads & download to & from S3 buckets

Networking Services

  • Route 53 : DNS service which routes users to applications, also provides health checks & supports hybrid model

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) : allows to create private network in AWS cloud

    • Internet Gateway : provides internet access to public components
    • Peering Connection : joins two VPCs for a secure data transfer.
  • Direct Connect : dedicated physical network connection with the on-premises data center to AWS & supports a hybrid model

  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) : creates a secure connection between internal networks & VPCs & site to site VPN supports hybrid model

  • API Gateway : allows to build & manage APIs

Databases Services

  • RDS : easy to launch & manage relational DB

  • Aurora : aws relation db compatible with MySQL & PostgreSQL

  • DynamoDB : fully managed NoSQL key-value & document DB

  • DocumentDB : fully managed document DB supports MongoDB

  • ElastiCache : fully managed in-memory DB compatible with Redis & Memcached

  • Neptune : fully managed graph DB that supports highly connected datasets.

Migration & Transfer

  • DB Migration Service (DMS) : helps to migrate to or within AWS securely over the internet with DB fully operational

  • Server Migration Service (SMS) : allows to migrate on-premises servers to AWS

  • Snow Family : allows to transfer large amounts of on-premises data to AWS using a physical device

    • SnowCone
    • Snowball & Snowball Edge : edge natively supports EC2 & Lambda which means to supports computation
    • Snowmobile
  • DataSync : allows online data transfer from on-premises to AWS storage like S3 or EFS.

Analytics Services

  • Redshift : scalable data warehouse solution

  • Athena : querry service for S3

  • Glue : serverless data integration service which prepares data for analytics

  • Kinesis : allows to analyze data & video streams in real time

  • Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) : a big data solution for petabyte-scale data processing using open-source frameworks like Apache Spark, Hive, and Presto

  • Data Pipeline : helps to move data between compute & storage services running on cloud or on-premises

  • QuickSight : helps visualize data via an interactive dashboard

Machine Learning Services

  • Rekognition : to automate image & video analysis

  • Comprehend : NPL service which finds relationship in texts

  • Polly : turns text to speech

  • SageMaker : build, train, & deploy Machine learning models quickly

  • Translate : provides language translation

  • Lex : helps to build conversational interfaces like chatbots

Developer Tools

  • Cloud9 : allows to write code within IDE within a web browser

  • CodeCommit : source control system for private git repos

  • CodeBuild : allows to build & test application source code

  • CodeDeploy : manages code deployment to compute services or on-premises

  • CodePipeline : automates software relase process

  • X-Ray : an end-to-end view of requests as they travel through the application, and shows a map of the application’s underlying components

  • CodeStar : helps developers collaboratively work on development projects and track issues via a dashboard.

Deployment & Infrastructure Management Services

  • CloudFormation : allows to provision of AWS resources using IaC

  • Elastic Beanstalk : allows to deploy web application & web services to AWS

  • OpsWork : allows to use Chef & puppet to automate configuration of services & deploy code

Messaging & Integration Services

  • Simple Queue Service (SQS) : messaging queuing service that allows to build loosely (less inter-dependent: microservices) coupled systems

  • Simple Notification Service (SNS) : allows to send emails & text messages from applications

  • Simple Email Service (SES) : allows to send richly formatted HTML emails from applications

Auditing, Monitoring & Logging Services

  • CloudWatch : collection of services that help monitor & observe cloud resources

  • CloudTrail : tracks user activity & API calls within account

Additional Services

  • AWS WorkSpaces : allows to host virtual desktops in the cloud

  • AWS Connect : cloud contact center (help desk) service that can host up to 800 members

  • AWS Service Catalog : create, share, organize, and govern your curated IaC templates

Security & Compliance

Shared Responsibility Model

  • AWS : Security of the cloud

  • User : Security in the cloud


Well-Architectured Framework

  • Operational Excellence : creating applications that effectively support production workloads

  • Security : put mechanisms in place that help protect systems & data

  • Reliability : designs system for consistent working & quick recovery

  • Performance Efficiency : effective use for compute resources to meet system & business requirements

  • Cost Optimization : deliver optimum & resilient solutions at least cost

  • Sustainability : environmental impacts, like energy consumption & efficiency

Cloud Adoption Framework

  • Business : focuses on business goals

  • People : ready for cloud

  • Governance : sets up governance practices

  • Platform : choosing the right services

  • Security : strong security measures

  • Operations : running workload smoothly

Application Security Services

  • Web Application FireWall (WAF) : protects web applications against common web attcks lise SQL injection & cross-site scripting

  • Shield : managed Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection service & integrated with CloudFront

  • Macie : use ML to discover & protect sensitive data

  • Congig : allows to access, audit & evaluate the configrations of resources

  • GaurdDuty : an intelligent threat detection system that uncovers unauthorized behavior

  • Inspector : works with EC2 instances to uncover and report vulnerabilities

  • Artifact : offers on-demand access to AWS security and compliance reports

  • Cognito : helps to control access for mobile and web applications; allow users access to AWS resources using federation

Data Encryption and Secrets Management Services

  • Key Management Service (KMS) : allows to generate and store encryption keys

  • CloudHSM : a hardware security module (HSM) used to generate encryption keys

  • Secrets Manager : allows to manage and retrieve secrets (passwords or keys)

Pricing, Billing & Governance


  • Pricing : charged on compute, storage & outbound data transfer

  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) : financial estimate that helps understand both the direct and indirect costs of AWS.

  • Pricing Calculator : helps calculate the TCO

  • Price List API : allows to query the price of AWS services

  • Application Discovery Service : helps plan migration projects to the AWS Cloud


  • Budgets : allows to set custom budgets that alert when the cost or usage exceeds the budgeted amount

    Types :

    • Cost Budgets : how much to spend on a service

    • Usage Budgets : how much to use one or more service

    • Reservation Budgets : sets reserved instances or savings plans utilization or coverage targets

  • Cost & Usage Report : contains the most comprehensive set of cost & usage data i.e aggregate usage on an hourly, daily, or monthly level

  • Cost Explorer : allows to visualize & forecast costs & usage over time

  • Cost Allocation Tags : allows to label resources using key & value pair which help tracking cost via cost allocation report


  • Organizations : allows to centrally manage multiple AWS accounts under one umbrella

  • Control Tower : ensures accounts conform to company-wide policies

  • System Manager : gives visibility & control over AWS resources

  • Trusted Advisor : provides real-time guidance to help provision resources following best AWS practices

  • License Manager : helps manage software licenses

  • Certificate Manager : helps provision & manage SSL/TLS certificates

  • Security Hub : a cloud security posture management service that checks accounts against best practices

Management Services

  • Managed Services : pre-configured security and operations management with support from AWS

  • Professional Services : helps enterprise customers move to a cloud-based operating model

  • AWS Partner Network (APN) : a global community of approved partners that offer software solutions and consulting services for AWS

  • Marketplace : a digital catalog of prebuilt solutions you can purchase or license

  • Personal Health Dashboard : alerts to events that might impact your AWS environment

  • IQ : helps find AWS Certified freelancers and consultants

Support Plans

  • Basic : included free for all AWS accounts and doesn't allow technical support tickets

  • Developer : recommended for testing & development, starts at $29/month

  • Business : recommended for production workloads, starts at $100/ month and includes the full set of trusted advisor checks

  • Enterprise : recommended for business or mission-critical production workloads, starts $15,000 includes full set of trusted advisor checks also provides a Technical Account Manager (TAM) & the Concierge Support Team


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