Sygic Travel Apple SDK (stylised for Apple platforms as TravelKit) is a framework suitable for embedding a rich set of Sygic Travel data within your application. It gives you access to millions of Places covering the entire world.
We build it as a generic platform project available on all Apple platforms.
For further details see Full SDK documentation.
Simply add a TravelKit
pod to your Podfile
. Then run pod update
to fetch the SDK automatically.
You can grab a released compiled SDK package or its source code on GitHub. Check out the repository or grab it from the Releases section.
All development requirements are actually recommendations as it reflects the environment we use to develop and distribute the code.
- Xcode 8.0+ (recommended)
- macOS 10.12+ SDK (recommended)
- iOS 10.0+ SDK (recommended)
- tvOS 10.0+ SDK (recommended)
- Objective-C or Swift project
- API key for your business or project
Deployment requirements determine the minimal environments compatible with the SDK when you distribute it with your project.
- OS X/macOS 10.10+ target (macOS framework)
- iOS 8.2+ target (iOS framework)
- tvOS 9.0+ target (tvOS framework)
- get the framework package
- unpack and add to your project
- link it as a dynamic framework (embedded binary) in your project settings
Actually the only step needed is obtaining an API key you use to set up the framework before you start using it. Contact us to get one.
This quick example shows how to use the SDK to fetch a representative set of data.
Let's define a set of Places we want:
- placed in London
- marked as Points of interest
- included in the Sightseeing category
- only the Top 10 of them
// Hold an instance
TravelKit *kit = [TravelKit sharedKit];
// Set your API key
// Create query to get Top 10 Sightseeing Places in London
TKPlacesQuery *query = [TKPlacesQuery new];
query.parentIDs = @[ @"city:1" ];
query.levels = TKPlaceLevelPOI;
query.categories = TKPlaceCategorySightseeing;
query.limit = 10;
// Perform query and print a message containing the first item
[kit placesForQuery:query completion:^(NSArray< TKPlace *> *places, NSError *error){
if (places.firstObject) NSLog(@"Let's visit %@!",;
else NSLog(@"Something went wrong :/");
// Set your API key
TravelKit.shared.apiKey = "<YOUR_API_KEY_GOES_HERE>"
// Create query to get Top 10 Sightseeing Places in London
let query = TKPlacesQuery()
query.parentIDs = ["city:1"]
query.levels = .POI
query.categories = [.sightseeing]
query.limit = 10
// Perform query and print a message containing the first item
TravelKit.shared.places.places(for: query) { (places, error) in
if let place = places?.first { print("Let's visit \(!") }
else { print("Something went wrong :/") }
The API key must be provided, otherwise using any methods listed below will result in an error being returned by the completion block.
TravelKit is very easily testable using Swift Playgrounds – a sample playground is provided together with the workspace attached.
Class | Description |
TravelKit |
Singleton instance for fetching data |
TKPlace |
Basic Place entity |
TKPlacesQuery |
Entity used when querying for Places |
TKTrip |
Primary Trip entity with detailed properties |
TKTour |
Basic Tour entity |
TKToursViatorQuery |
Entity used when querying for Tours from Viator |
TKToursGYGQuery |
Entity used when querying for Tours from GetYourGuide |
TKMedium |
Basic Medium entity |
TKReference |
External Reference link |
Available on Docs portal.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.