Requires PowerShell 4.0
This is pretty rough at the moment and offers the bare minimum to be able to construct PowerShell scripts that can access JIRA in a convenient manner.
You can use the toolkit in an interactive manner by importing the module to your current environment:
cd .\jira
Import-Module .\Jira.psm1
Set your JIRA Api Base:
Set your JIRA credentials but note that these are insecurely stored in the Windows Environment in base64 encoded form:
cmdlet Set-JiraCredentials at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
username: first.last
Now you can use the provided Get-JiraIssue function:
Get-JiraIssue KEY-250
Or the Get-JiraSearchResult function to provide a quesry in JQL:
Get-JiraSearchResult "id = KEY-250"