This project requires JVM version of at least 1.7
routemaster-module-example top
example module for the routemaster
Quick overview top
This module provides an extension point for the routemaster server which can be
automatically loaded and registered by placing it in the modules/
directory alongside
the routemaster-server.jar
. The module provides all dependencies and
configuration required to fully load and execute the module.
Download from
Within the module, at the root of the jar file will be a file named
which determines the configuration for the module. The configuration file may be viewed here:
Furthermore, the in-built configuration can be over-ridden by placing a file
in the modules
directory along side the jar
file which will take precedence when searching for configuration.
The file format and layout is as per the
file for the
routemaster server.
Table of Contents top
- routemaster-module-example
- Quick overview
- Table of Contents
- Creating a new module
- Deploying modules
- Running the server
- Generating the default documentation
- Building the Package
- Running the Tests
This is an example module that offers additional, modular support for synapticloop routemaster.
Routemaster modules can be automatically loaded from the modules
directory that
can automatically provide:
- Handlers
- Configuration options
- RESTful routes
- static routes
Creating a new module top
Setup top
Download the latest version of the source code, and unzip it into your project working directory.
The structure of the folder is as follows:
(the build.gradle file)gradle
(the settings file for gradle)src
(the source files directory)
Configuration top
This is the main build file and contains everything to build (and bundle - if required) the module. It can be executed by typing the following:
gradle build
If you are on windows:
gradle.bat build
The build.gradle
file contents are:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'eclipse'
id "maven"
id "maven-publish"
id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.13.0"
id 'net.saliman.cobertura' version '2.2.6'
id 'co.riiid.gradle' version '0.4.2'
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "1.2.4"
id "synapticloop.copyrightr" version "1.1.2"
id "synapticloop.documentr" version "2.9.0"
version = '1.1.0'
// ensure that you change the following values
group = 'synapticloop'
archivesBaseName = 'routemaster-module-example'
description = """example module for the routemaster"""
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
targetCompatibility = 1.7
repositories {
// We create a configuration here which is used to run the shadow jar
configurations {
// ensure that the dependencies are up-to-date, you can do this by running
// gradle dependencyUpdates
// or as a shortcut (provided there are no clashes)
// gradle dU
// this functionality is provided by the plugin:
// id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.13.0"
dependencies {
runtime 'synapticloop:routemaster:2.1.0'
compile 'synapticloop:routemaster:2.1.0'
// if you need to include any dependencies, then you __MUST__ add them to the
// 'shadow configuration, e.g. uncomment the following line to include 'templar'
// shadow 'synapticloop:templar:1.4.4'
// the following is the shadow jar plugin configuration which ultimately collects
// all of the dependencies together and puts them into the same jar file for
// deployment
shadowJar {
classifier = ''
configurations = [project.configurations.shadow]
// This will upload the file to github releases section and can be accomplished
// by running
// gradle githubRelease
// or as a shortcut (provided there are no clashes)
// gradle gR
// you __MUST__ provide the following environment key:
github {
owner = group
repo = archivesBaseName
if(System.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')) {
token = System.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')
tagName = version
name = version
assets = [
'build/libs/' + archivesBaseName + '-' + version + '.jar',
Including dependencies in the module top
Within the build.gradle
file a shadow
configuration is defined. Any dependencies
that you wish to include in the final module MUST be listed here.
See the configurations
, dependencies
and the shadowJat
sections in the
file above.
WARNING: if multiple modules are including different versions of jar dependencies, then the order in which that these will be picked up by the class loader is undefined.
You will also want to change the settings.gradle
file: = 'routemaster-module-example'
so that the
value matches your project name.
Code top
All the code resides in the src/main/java
directory, with resources in the src/main/resources
You MUST have a properties file deployed with every module jar or it will not
be activated. The name of the properties file is the module name (without any version
number - (e.g. {archivesBaseName}.properties
- in this example it is
The keys and values in the properties file are the same as the default
file. This file has the same standard layout as the
default properties file, and may map options, handlers and routes
(both RESTful and not).
Some things to note:
All properties defined in the module jar file will over-write any existing properties that are set.
Deploying modules top
Step 1 top
To deploy the built module, ensure that you have downloaded the latest routemaster server from github routemaster releases (the jar file is the one that has the server
classifier - e.g. routemaster-2.0.0-server.jar
Note: The server version has NO functionality built in - i.e. no routes are defined - instead all functionality must come from the modules. It will still operate successfully, however all the modules must map the routes.
Step 2 top
Create a modules
directory which is in the same directory that the downloaded file is (your directory listing should look something like the following:
Step 3 top
Place the module (or multiple modules) into the modules
directory so that it will look something like the following:
Running the server top
now run the server:
java -jar routemaster-2.0.0-server.jar
For the example above, the only routes that are mapped are:
If you open http://localhost:5474/module/example/
you will see something along the lines of:
Hello from the example module, this page was brought to you by the letter 'H'
Generating the default documentation top
Simply run:
gradle --no-daemon documentr
Or you can simply generate your own
Building the Package top
*NIX/Mac OS X top
From the root of the project, simply run
./gradlew build
Windows top
./gradlew.bat build
This will compile and assemble the artefacts into the build/libs/
Note that this may also run tests (if applicable see the Testing notes)
Running the Tests top
*NIX/Mac OS X top
From the root of the project, simply run
gradle --info test
if you do not have gradle installed, try:
gradlew --info test
Windows top
From the root of the project, simply run
gradle --info test
if you do not have gradle installed, try:
./gradlew.bat --info test
The --info
switch will also output logging for the tests
Dependencies - Gradle top
dependencies {
runtime(group: 'synapticloop', name: 'routemaster-module-example', version: '1.1.0', ext: 'jar')
compile(group: 'synapticloop', name: 'routemaster-module-example', version: '1.1.0', ext: 'jar')
or, more simply for versions of gradle greater than 2.1
dependencies {
runtime 'synapticloop:routemaster-module-example:1.1.0'
compile 'synapticloop:routemaster-module-example:1.1.0'
Dependencies - Maven top
Dependencies - Downloads top
You will also need to download the following dependencies:
: (It may be available on one of: bintray mvn central)
: (It may be available on one of: bintray mvn central)
: (It may be available on one of: bintray mvn central)
NOTE: You may need to download any dependencies of the above dependencies in turn (i.e. the transitive dependencies)
This file was hand-crafted with care utilising synapticloop