Releases: szapp/GothicFreeAim
Gothic Free Aim v1.4.0
v1.4.0 - 2024-06-11
- Complete overhaul of hit probability implementation. Share your thoughts here!
- Port to support Gothic Sequel 1.12f and Gothic 2 (Classic) 1.30fix
- Add Monte Carlo statistics to shooting statistics, see console commands
- Change the default configuration to match the FreeAiming patch (files in
). The configuration is still fully customizable. - Prefix reticle texture name constants in config/reticleTextures.d and some internal constants with
- Move the file tree of the System scripts into a subdirectory
for consistency - Explicitly define and outsource possibly non-existent prototypes of the System script instances into System/GFA/prototypes
- Update the menu instance integration and change the constants, e.g.
- Wrap calls to (possibly non-existent) functions in safety checks and helper functions, including a Daedalus hook into
to make the integration easier - Add instructions to README for integrating the GitHub repository as submodule
- Update the license information to use the author's full name
For a complete change log, click here.
Free Aiming Patch
- Information on the Free Aiming Patch
- Direct download of the Free Aiming Patch is found here:
Updating your files from v1.2.0 to v1.4.0
With a prior installation of GFA v1.2.0, you need to adjust the scripts as follows.
- Replace the internal content scripts completely (
). - Incorporate the changes of the config content scripts into your local configuration (
). The changes should be easily dissectible following this diff comparison between v1.2.0 and v1.4.0 or the commit history of the directory. Note that the configuration defaults have changed in favor of initial game balance (refer to the full change log for details). What changes you adopt is up to your preference. - The system scripts directory structure has changed. There is an additional directory
to collect the system scripts to allow easy sym-linking. Any prior personal changes (e.g. menu scripts and localization) should be incorporated after updating the system scripts (System/GFA
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.2.0
v1.2.0 - 2019-10-12
- Disable ranged combat modulators in default config: Default-config is now well-balanced
- Temporarily provide projectile pointer to config using global variable
- Add more safety checks to aiming at NPCs (head aim ray)
- Fix spell reticle for firestorm in config
- Enable trigger collision fix for NPCs also
For a complete change log, click here.
Updating your files from v1.1.0 to v1.2.0
With a prior installation of GFA v1.1.0, you only need to replace the scripts-directory GFA/_intern
, as well as incorporate these changes from GFA/config/
and you are ready to go.
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.1.0
v1.1.0 - 2018-12-09
- Add INI setting for reticle size in pixels to better account for high resolutions, see wiki
- Add INI setting for also displaying the focus when not aiming, see wiki
- Fix focus collection on loading when a weapon was drawn
- Fix crossbow aiming animation (master stance) with low FPS (no longer interrupted)
- Implement timed fade-out of projectiles in Gothic 1 as found in Gothic 2
- Simplify initialization by setting debug visualization (Draw3D) to optional
- Remove all dependencies on PermMem (View, FrameFunctions) and Interface (Print_S)
- Remove all entries in SCRPTSAVE.SAV
- Determine reticle textures by spell ID by default, removing the need for separate G1/G2 files
- Fix override of memory protection when initialization spells only
For a complete change log, click here.
Updating your files from v1.0.1 to v1.1.0
With a prior installation of GFA v1.0.1, you only need to replace the scripts-directory GFA/_intern
and the source files GFA_G1.src
and GFA_G2.src
, as well as incorporate these changes from GFA/config/
and you are ready to go.
- criticalHit.d
- reticle.d
- reticleBySpellID_G1.d (deleted)
- reticleBySpellID_G2.d (deleted)
- settings.d
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.1
v1.0.1 - 2018-01-02
- Improve scattering for ranged combat
- Decrease impact of accuracy modulators (draw force, steady aim, movement)
For a complete change log, click here.
Updating your files from v1.0.0 to v1.0.1
With a prior installation of GFA v1.0.0, you only need to replace the scripts-directory GFA/_intern
and incorporate the changes from GFA/config/ranged.d
and you are ready to go.
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0
v1.0.0 - 2017-12-03
This release marks the completion of this script package.
Rough outline of the most notable changes since v0.1.2
- Add full compatibility with Gothic 1 (portation)
- Support for Gothic 2 controls
- Add movement while aiming (including new animations)
- Increase performance
- Fix a lot of bugs
- Refined collision detection
- Thoroughly tested stability and balancing
- Information about the model-bone that is hit by a shot
- Rename project (and project files) to Gothic Free Aim (GFA)
For a complete change log, click here.
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0-beta.22
v1.0.0-beta.22 - 2017-10-29
Changes since v1.0.0-beta.21
- Outsource debug visualizations to LeGo Draw3D
- Adjust GFA initialization to new LeGo Hooks implementation
- Add emergency lock of GFA initialization for mod-projects
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0-beta.21
v1.0.0-beta.21 - 2017-10-16
Changes since v1.0.0-beta.20
- Allow control scheme overrides for ranged and/or spell combat (Gothic 2 only)
- Revert to stationary focus spells (e.g. sleep): no free aiming or free movement
- Fix bug where close range shots would not be detected
- Fix issue with C_CanNpcCollideWithSpell() (Gothic 2 only)
- Fix bug with aiming in ranged combat when disabling free aiming in the menu
- Fix attack run turning bug (Gothic 2 only)
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0-beta.20
v1.0.0-beta.20 - 2017-10-05
Changes since v1.0.0-beta.19
- Fix critical bug that did not allow opening the inventory
- Fix bug that broke the dialog system in Gothic 1
- Add free aiming and free movement for focus spells (e.g. sleep)
- Set stricter focus collection for spells to improve targeting in groups of NPCs
- Fix bug to allow mouse movement during shooting and casting
- Introduce exceptions for immune damage types (Gothic 2 only)
- Add fourth iteration animations: Bow sideways movements are now less ridgid
- Reduce auto created ammo in the engine (for re-usable projectiles feature)
- Remove reticle coloring in default config (commented out)
- Remove zSpy warnings
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0-beta.19
v1.0.0-beta.19 - 2017-09-30
Hotfix for v1.0.0-beta.18
- Fix critical game crash when inserting NPCs
- Improve balancing in default config
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.
Gothic Free Aim v1.0.0-beta.18
v1.0.0-beta.18 - 2017-09-29
Changes since v1.0.0-beta.17
- Strip down and improve code and performance
- Fix bug where aiming is canceled by ambient OUs (G2ctrl)
- Remove turning animations for movement spells
- Fix bug with floating projectiles after loading
- Fix another game crash on startup
- Fix a small bug within the trigger collision fix
- Improve close range hit detection
- Enlarge humanoid bounding boxes to include the head node
- Improve focus collection to detect head node
- Improve critical hit detection
- Automate the retrieval of weak spot bounding boxes
- Re-adjust scattering angles (decrease hit accuracy)
- Improve sideways aim movements for T2 stances
Attached files
- Source code includes all script and animation files of this release
- includes all binary files (reticle textures), necessary alongside the source code
See the wiki for installation instructions.