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PiRadioApp help

Szymon edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 2 revisions

PiRadio help sheet

-icomm-address [ip:port]  Internal (server <-> engine) tcp communication address.
    -ic [ip:port]               Default: localhost:5555

--icomm-port [port]        Internal (server <-> engine) tcp communication port.
    -icp [port]                 Default: 5555

--host-address [ip:port]   Host site address.
    -h [ip:port]                Default: localhost:8080

--host-port [port]         Host site port.
    -hp [port]                  Default: 8080

--resource [path]          Resource path.
    -res [path]                 Default: ../server/resources/

--debug                    Debug mode

--only                     Run only engine app
    --only-with-console        Run only engine app with cmd control instead of internal communication tcp
                               Mode for testing purpose

--database [path]          Set database path
    -db [path]

--cmd-colors               Enable colors of console message
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