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Testing kubernetes minikube with ingress-nginx with tls termination, cert-manager, pekko-http. Deployed via the fruit-deploy project.


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Learn-01-Basic-Ingress Project


The purpose of the prototype project is to demonstrate the configuration and use of ingress-nginx within the minikube environment. The tests include http and https terminated at the ingress controller. Cert-manager is used to manage self-signed certificates for the TLS.

Projects Included

The projects include the following:

  1. fruit-deploy - Deploys all components to a minikube environment.
  2. passionfruit - Deploys a simple pekko-http server with an http ingress.
  3. papaya - A simple pekko-http tls server with tls termination on the ingress.

Project Components

The main components of the prototype project are:

  • kubernetes via minikube
  • cert-manager for certificate generation
  • ingress-nginx for controller reverse proxy and ingress configuration management.
  • apache pekko-http as an http server

Deployment Assumptions

The project deployment presumes the following:

  1. Clone fruit-deploy, passionfruit and papaya projects to the same directory.
  2. Running minikube environment - I have been using the following commands to start and restart minikube.
    1. minikube delete
    2. minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 12288 --vm-driver kvm2 --disk-size 100g --insecure-registry=""
    3. minikube addons enable dashboard
    4. minikube addons enable ingress
  3. Linux machine. I use Ubuntu 20.04 There are several utility commands within which are linux specific. These can easily be modified or removed for your operating system environment.

Runtime Instructions:

  1. Open the fruit-deploy/scripts/ file within a text editor.
  2. Open a terminal to process the commands.
  3. Modify the $PROTODIR env variable in the terminal to point to your source directory.
  4. Run the commands within the fruit-deploy/scripts/ separately.
    Note -
    The commands within the are meant to be copy pasted into a terminal and not run as a bash script.


At the end of the file there is a section for curl commands to invoke various deployed capabilities. A brief summary of the capabilites are:

  1. Both apple and banana support a path based http ingress to an echo server, as well as a host based ingress for invoking the echo server. The configurations for these can be found in
    • Configuration - kube/apple-path.yaml Deployment Test - curl -kL http://$ipAddr/apple
    • Configuration - kube/apple-host.yaml Deployment Test - curl -kL
    • Configuration - kube/banana-path.yaml Deployment Test - curl -kL http://$ipAddr/banana
    • Configuration - kube/banana-host.yaml Deployment Test - curl -kL
  2. mango supports an https request with tls passthrough to the echo server and cert-manager certificate generation.
  3. passion supports an http request to a simple pekko-http server
  4. papaya supports an https request to a simple pekko-http server with tls termination at the ingress, as well as cert-manager certificate generation.
    • Configuration - papaya.yaml;
    • secret - papaya-auth.yaml;
    • pvc - papaya-pvc.yaml;
    • tls - papaya-tls-cert-issuer.yaml
    • Deployment Test - curl -kL


Testing kubernetes minikube with ingress-nginx with tls termination, cert-manager, pekko-http. Deployed via the fruit-deploy project.







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