CoreDataManager is a layer for simpler Core Data setup and JSON data synchronization
- Usage
- Minimum requirements
- Installation
- Setup
- Managed object contexts
- Serializers
- Syncing JSON data
- Author
- Dependencies
- Credits
- License
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 9.0
- Xcode 11.0
CoreDataManager is available through CocoaPods. Install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To install CoreDataManager add a file named Podfile
to the project's root folder with contents similar to:
source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'
pod 'CoreDataManager', '~> 0.9.0'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Setup persistent store in your AppDelegate
import CoreDataManager
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Override point for customization after application launch.
return true
Possible ways to set up CoreDataManager:
// Just replace your data model name
// Replace your data model name and specify database file name.
CoreDataManager.sharedInstance.setupWithModel("CoreDataManager", andFileName: "CoreDataManager.sqlite")
// Replace your data model name and specify full URL to database file when the database shouldn't be in the user's documents directory.
let databaseURL = ...
CoreDataManager.sharedInstance.setupWithModel("CoreDataManager", andFileURL: databaseURL)
// Use in memory store for testing
let cdm = CoreDataManager.sharedInstance
// Main context for UIKit
let mainCtx = cdm.mainContext
// Background context for making updates
let backgroundCtx = cdm.backgroundContext
// Array of employees
let employees = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).array
// Count of employees
let employeeCount = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).count
// First / last employee
let oldestEmployee = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).orderBy("age").first
let youngestEmployee = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).orderBy("age").last
Filter method accepts predicates and can be called with same arguments that a NSPredicate can be initialized
let youngEmployeeManager = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).filter("age < 40")
// Young employees
let youngEmployees = youngEmployeeManager.array
// Count of young employees
let youngEmployeeCount = youngEmployeeManager.count
Applying minus sign (-) in front of the attribute will make the ordering descening
// Ascending array of employees ordered by age
let employeesFromYoungest = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).orderBy(["age", "name"]).array
// Descending array of employees ordered by age
let employeesFromOldest = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).orderBy(["-age", "name"]).array
// Age of the youngest employee
let ageOfYoungestEmployee = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).min("age")
// Age of the oldest employee
let ageOfOldestEmployee = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).max("age")
// Total age of the employees
let totalAgeOfEmployees = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).sum("age")
// Average age of the employees
let avgAgeOfEmployees = mainCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).aggregate("average", forKeyPath: "age")
// Delete employees older than 100
backgroundCtx.performBlock { () -> Void in
backgroundCtx.managerFor(Employee.self).filter("age > 100").delete()
[String] - Attributes from the mapping that identify the specific object instance that is updated when syncing the data. If no instance is found in the local database then a new instance is created and saved to the database. Defaults to empty list.
Bool - If set to true then the local database is not checked for matching instances and all the synced data is inserted. Defaults to false.
Bool - Determines whether the instances that are not found in the local database should be inserted or not. This is ignored if forceInsert is set to true. Defaults to true.
: Bool - Determines whether the instances that are found in the local database should be updated or not. This is ignored if forceInsert is set to true. Defaults to true.
Bool - Determines whether the instances that are not found in the synced data, but are present in the local database should be deleted or not. Defaults to true.
[String: CDMAttribute] - Defines tha mapping for creating the managed object instances. Defaults to empty dictionary
func getValidators() -> [CDMValidator]
- Defines the validators for the serializer. Each validator is run before any syncing begins. Each validator gets every item from the synced data one by one as JSON and returns the modified value as JSON. Validators can also return nil if the validation does not pass - this is not taken into account in the following sync.
func getGroupers() -> [NSPredicate]
- Groupers are a list of predicates that define a subgroup of the managed objects stored in the database that the sync is run against. Instances outside of the subgroup are ignored and left untouched.
- Translates the data found in json to String
- Translates the data found in json to Bool
- Translates the data found in json to Int
- Translates the data found in json to NSNumber
- Translates the data found in json to Double
- Translates the data found in json to Float
- Translates the data found in json to NSDate using ISO format - yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZZ
- Translates the data found in json to NSSet of NSManagedObject
- Translates the data found in json to NSManagedObject
You need to define a callback that returns a serializer for serializing and matching the managed objects when initializing attributes that return managed objects.
// Create serializers for `Department` and `Employee` - both NSManagedObject subclasses
class DepartmentSerializer<T:Department>: CDMSerializer<T> {
override init() {
self.identifiers = ["departmentID"]
self.mapping = [
"departmentID": CDMAttributeNumber(["id"]),
"name": CDMAttributeString(["name"]),
class EmployeeSerializer<T:Employee>: CDMSerializer<T> {
override init() {
self.identifiers = ["employeeID"]
self.mapping = [
"employeeID": CDMAttributeNumber(["id"]),
"fullName": CDMAttributeString(["user", "name"]),
"department": CDMAttributeToOne(["department"], serializerCallback: {departmentJSON in
let departmentSerializer = DepartmentSerializer()
// Don't update nor delete the objects in child serializer
// Just match the department
departmentSerializer.updateExisting = false
departmentSerializer.deleteMissing = false
return departmentSerializer
let serializer = EmployeeSerializer()
let jsonData = JSON([
"id": 1,
"user": ["id": 5, "name": "Mary"],
"department": ["id": 2, "name": "iOS development"]
"id": 2,
"user": ["id": 6, "name": "David"],
"department": ["id": 2, "name": "iOS development"]
let context = CoreDataManager.sharedInstance.backgroundContext
context.syncData(jsonData, withSerializer: serializer) { (error) -> Void in
// Sync completed
// Employees Mary and David have been inserted or updated in core data. Other employees have been deleted
Taavi Teska (Thorgate)
All the dependencies are automatically installed when using CocoePods
CoreDataManager is using some of the ideas from CoreDataSimpleDemo example for managed object contexts
CoreDataManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.