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DDPM & DDIM re-implementation with various functionality

This code is the implementation code of the papers DDPM (Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models) and DDIM (Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models).




Our code is mainly based on denoising-diffusion-pytorch repository, which is a Pytorch implementation of the official Tensorflow code Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. But we find that there are some differences in the implementation especially in U-net structure. And further we find that Pytorch implementation version lacks some functionality for monitoring training and does not have inference code. So we decided to re-implement the code such that it can be helpful for someone who is first to Diffusion models.


Dataset Model checkpoint name FID (↓)
Cifar10 11.81
Cifar10 8.31
CelebA-HQ 11.97
  • cifar10_64dim


  • cifar10_128dim


  • celeba_hq_256





Tested for python 3.8.17 with torch 1.12.1+cu113 and torchvision 0.13.1+cu113. Download appropriate pytorch version via torch website or by following command.

pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url

Install other required moduls by following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start


Download pre-trained model checkpoints from model checkpoints

  • Cifar10 (64 dimension for first hidden dimension)
python -c ./config/inference/cifar10.yaml -l /
  • Cifar10 (128 dimension for first hidden dimension, purposed structure by original implementation)
python -c ./config/inference/cifar10_128dim.yaml -l /
  • CelebA-HQ

You have to download CelebA-HQ dataset from kaggle. After un-zipping the zip file, you may find folder named /celeba_hq_256, make the folder named /data if your project directory does not have it, place the /celeba_hq_256 folder under the /data folder such that final structure must be configured as follows.

    - /config
    - /src
    - /images_README
    - /data (make the directory if you don't have it)
        - /celeba_hq_256
            - 00000.jpg
            - 00001.jpg
            - 29999.jpg
python -c ./config/inference/celeba_hq_256.yaml -l /


  • Cifar10 (64 dimension for first hidden dimension)
python -c ./config/cifar10.yaml
  • Cifar10 (128 dimension for first hidden dimension, purposed structure by original implementation)
python -c ./config/cifar10_128dim.yaml
  • CelebA-HQ

You have to download dataset, consult details in inference section in Quick Start.

python -c ./config/celeba_hq_256.yaml

📌 You can find more detailed explanation for training and inference at the below two section.

Training ( Detailed version )

Expand for details

To train the diffusion model, first thing you have to do is to configure your training settings by making configuration file. You can find some example inside the folder ./config. I will explain how to configure your training using ./config/cifar10_example.yaml file and ./config/cifar10_torch_example.yaml file. Inside the cifar10_example.yaml you may find 4 primary section, type, unet, ddim, trainer.

We will first look at trainer section which is configured as follows.

dataset: cifar10
batch_size: 128
lr: 0.0002
total_step: 600000
save_and_sample_every: 2500
num_samples: 64
fid_estimate_batch_size: 128
ddpm_fid_score_estimate_every: null
ddpm_num_fid_samples: null
tensorboard: true
clip: both
  • dataset: You can give Dataset name which is available by torchvision.datasets. You can find some Datasets provided by torchvision in this website. If you want to use torchvision's Dataset just provide the dataset name, for example cifar10. Currently, tested datasets are cifar10. Or if you want to use custom datasets which you have prepared, you have to pass the path to the folder which is containing images

  • batch_size, lr, total_step: You can find the values used by DDPM author in the DDPM paper Appendix B. total_step means total training step, for example DDPM author trained cifar10 model with 800K steps.

  • save_and_sample_every: The interval to which save the model and generated samples. For example in this case, for every 2500 steps trainer will save the model weights and also generate some sample images to visualize the training progress.

  • num_samples: When sampling the images evey save_and_sample_every steps, trainer will sample total num_samples images and save it to one large image containing each sampled images where one large image have (num_samples)**0.5 rows and columns. So num_samples must be square number ex) 25, 36, 49, 64, ...

  • fid_estimate_batch_size: Batch size for sampling images for FID calculation. This batch size will be applied to DDPM sampler as well as DDIM samplers. If you cannot decide the value, just setting this value equal to batch_size will be fine.

  • ddpm_fid_score_estimate_every: Step interval for FID calculation using DDPM sampler. If set to null, FID score will not be calculated with DDPM sampling. If you use DDPM sampling for FID calculation, i.e. setting this value other than null, it can be very time-consuming, so it is wise to set this value to null, and use DDIM sampler for FID calculation (Using DDIM sampler is explained below). But anyway you can calculate FID score with DDPM sampler if you insist.

  • ddpm_num_fid_samples: Number of sampling images for FID calculation using DDPM sampler. If you set ddpm_fid_score_estimate_every to null, i.e. not using DDPM sampler for FID calculation, then this value will be just ignored.

  • tensorboard: If set to true, then you can monitor training progress such as loss, FID value, and sampled images, during training, with the tensorboard.

  • clip: It must be one of [both, true, false]. This is related to sampling of x_{t-1} from p_{theta}(x_{t-1} | x_t). There are two ways to sample x_{t-1}. One way is to follow paper and this corresponds to line 4 in Algorithm 2 in DDPM paper. (clip==False) Another way is to clip(or clamp) the predicted x_0 to -1 ~ 1 for better sampling result. To clip the x_0 to out desired range, we cannot directly apply (11) to sample x_{t-1}, rather we have to calculate predicted x_0 using (4) and then calculate mu in (7) using that predicted x_0. Which is exactly same calculation except for clipping. As you might easily expect, using clip leads to better sampling result since it restricts sampled images range to -1 ~ 1. So for the better sampling result, it is strongly suggested setting clip to true. If clip==both then sampling is done twice, one done with clip==True and the other done with clip==False. Reference

Now we will look at type, unet section which is configured as follows.

# ```./config/cifar10_example.yaml```
type: original
  dim: 64
  image_size: 32
  - 1
  - 2
  - 2
  - 2
  - 16
  dropout: 0.1
  num_res_blocks: 2
# ```./config/cifar10_torch_example.yaml```
type: torch
  dim: 64
  image_size: 32
  - 1
  - 2
  - 2
  - 2
  - false
  - true
  - false
  - false
  attn_heads: 4
  attn_head_dim: 32

-type: It must be one of [original, torch]. original will use U-net structure which was originally suggested by Jonathan Ho. So it's structure will be the one used in Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models which is an official version written in Tensorflow. torch will use U-net structure which was suggested by denoising-diffusion-pytorch which is a transcribed version of official Tensorflow version.

I have separated those two because there structure differs significantly. To name a few, following is the difference of those two U-net structure.

  1. official version use self Attention where the feature map resolution at each U-net level is in attn_resolutions. In the DDPM paper you can find that they used self Attention at the 16X16 resolution, and this is why attn_resolutions is by default [16, ]

    On the other hand, Pytorch transcribed version use Linear Attention and multi-head self Attention. They use multi-head self Attention at the U-net level where full_attn is true and Linear Attention at the rest of the U-net level. So in this particular case, they used multi-head self Attention at the U-net level 1 (I will denote U-net level as 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) and the Linear Attention at the U-net level 0, 2, 3.

-unet.dim: This is related to the hidden channel dimension of feature map at each U-net model. You can find more detail right below.

-unet.dim_multiply: len(dim_multiply) will be the depth of U-net model with at each level i, the dimension of channel will be dim * dim_multiply[i]. If the input image shape is [H, W, 3] then at the lowest level, feature map shape will be [H/(2^(len(dim_multiply)-1), W/(2^(len(dim_multiply)-1), dim*dim_multiply[-1]] if not considering U-net down-up path connection.

-unet.image_size: Size of the input image. Image will be resized and cropped if image_size does not equal to actual input image size. Expected to be Integer, I have not tested for non-square images.

-unet.attn_resolution / unet.full_attn: Explained above. Since attn_resolution value must equal to the resolution value of feature map where you want to apply self Attention, you have to carefully calculate desired resolution value. In the case of full_attn, it is related to applying particular Attention mechanism at each level, it must satisfy len(full_attn) == len(dim_multiply)

-unet.num_res_blocks: Number of ResnetBlock at each level. In downward path, at each level, there will be num_res_blocks amount of ResnetBlock module and in upward path, at each level, there will be (num_res_blocks+1) amount of ResnetBlock module.

-unet.attn_heads, unet.attn_head_dim: In the torch implementation it uses multi-head-self-Attention. attn_head is the # of head. It corresponds to h in "Attention is all you need" paper. See section 3.2.2 attn_head_dim is the dimension of each head. It corresponds to d_k in Attention paper.

Lastly we will look at ddim section which is configured as follows.

    ddim_sampling_steps: 20
    sample_every: 5000
    calculate_fid: true
    num_fid_sample: 6000
    eta: 0
    save: true
    ddim_sampling_steps: 50
    sample_every: 50000
    calculate_fid: true
    num_fid_sample: 6000
    eta: 0
    save: true
    ddim_sampling_steps: 20
    sample_every: 100000
    calculate_fid: true
    num_fid_sample: 60000
    eta: 0
    save: true

There are 3 subsection (0, 1, 2) which means it will use 3 DDIM Sampler for sampling image and FID calculation during training. The name of each subsection, which are 0, 1, 2, is not important. Each DDIM Sampler name will be set to DDIM_{index}_steps{ddim_sampling_steps}_eta{eta} no matter what the name of each subsection is set in configuration file.

-ddim_sampling_steps: The number of de-noising steps for DDIM sampling. In DDPM they used 1000 steps for sampling images. But in DDIM we can control the total number of de-noising steps for generating images. If this value is set to 20, then the speed of generating image will be 50 times faster than DDPM sampling. Preferred value would be 10~100.

-sample_every: This control how often sampling be done with particular sampler. If set to 5000 then every 5000 steps, this sampler will be activated for sampling images. So if total training step is 50000, there will be total 10 sampling action.

-calculata_fid: Whether to calculate FID

-num_fid_sample: Only valid if calculate_fid is set to true. This control how many sampled images to use for FID calculation. The speed of FID calculation for particular sampler will be inversely proportional to (ddim_sanmpling_steps * num_fid_sample)

-eta: Hyperparameter to control the stochasticity, see (16) in DDIM paper. 0: deterministic(DDIM) , 1: fully stochastic(DDPM)

-save: Whether to save the model checkpoint based on FID value calculated by particular sampler. If set to true then model checkpoint will be saved on .pt file when model achieve the best FID value for particular sampler.

Now we are finished setting configuration file and the training the model can be done by following command.

python -c /path_to_config_file/configuration_file.yaml 


-c, --config : Path to configuration file. Path must include file name with extension .yaml


-l, --load : Path to model checkpoint. Path must include file name with extension .pt
You can resume training by using this option.
-t, --tensorboard : Path to tensorboard folder. If you resume training and want to restore previous tensorboard, set 
this option to previously generated tensorboard folder.
--exp_name : Name for experiment. If not set, current time will be set as experiment name.
--cpu_percentage : Float value from 0.0 to 1.0, default value 0.0 It is used to control the num_workers parameter for DataLoader. 
num_workers will be set to "Number of CPU available for your device * cpu_percentage". In Windows sometimes setting 
this value other than 0.0 yields unexpected behavior or failure to train the model. So if you have problem triaining
the model in Windows, do not change this value.
--no_prev_ddim_setting : If set, store true. If you have changed DDIM setting, for example change the 
number of DDIM sampler or change the sampling steps for DDIM sampler, set this option.

Inference ( Detailed version )

Expand for details

To inference the diffusion model, first thing you have to do is to configure your inference settings by making configuration file. You can find some example inside the folder ./config/inference. I will explain how to configure your inference using ./config/inference/cifar10.yaml file Inside the file you may find 4 primary section, type, unet, ddim, inferencer. type, unet must match the configuration for the training. On the other hand, ddim section need not match to the configuration for the training. One thing to notice is that sample_every, save option will not be used in inference for DDIM. We are left with inferencer section.

  dataset: cifar10
  batch_size: 128
  clip: true
  num_samples_per_image: 64
  num_images_to_generate: 2
  ddpm_fid_estimate: true
  ddpm_num_fid_samples: 60000
  return_all_step: true
  make_denoising_gif: true
  num_gif: 50

-dataset, batch_size, clip: Same meaning as in configuration file for training.

-num_samples_per_image: Same meaning as num_samples in configuration file for training. Sampler will sample total num_samples_per_image images and save it to one large image containing each sampled images where one large image have (num_samples)**0.5 rows and columns. So num_samples_per_image must be square number ex) 25, 36, 49, 64, ...

-num_images_to_generate: How many large merged image to generate. So if this value is set to 2 then there will be 2 large image with each image containing num_samples_per_image sampled sub images.

-ddpm_fid_estimate, ddpm_num_fid_samples: Whether to calculate FID value for DDPM sampler. And if ddpm_fid_estimate is set to true, ddpm_num_fid_samples decides the number of sampling images for calculating FID value.

-return_all_steps: Whether to return all the images during de-noising steps. So in DDPM sampler, during 1000 de-noising steps all the intermediate images will be returned. In the case of DDIM sampler, ddim_sampling_steps images will be returned.

-make_denoising_gif: Whether to make gif which contains de-noising process visually. To make denoising gif, return_all_steps must set to true.

-num_gif: Number of images to make gif which contains de-noising process visually. Intermediate denoised image will be sampled evenly with num_gif images to make denoising gif.

Now we are finished setting configuration file and the inferencing can be done by following command.

python -c /path_to_config_file/configuration_file.yaml -l /path_to_model_checkpoint_file/


-c, --config : Path to configuration file. Path must include file name with extension .yaml
-l, --load : Path to model checkpoint. Path must include file name with extension .pt



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