A utility to help with long-winded git commands that are frequently useful (and so frequently typed), and some common activities can be sped-up a little.
This tool can either be used to run commands using shorthands, or just to provide reminders, letting you type them yourself (learn by doing!)
You can re-alias your git command to gits: alias git=gits
. This will still allow aut-complete to work. Any commands not implemented in gits
will simply pass through to the native git command.
provides short-hand commands for common long-winded or hard-to-remember git commands. It prints the commands it runs, and then executes them. If you want to use it just to show the commands as reminders, set GITS_no_execute=true
in your environment or ~/.bashrc
Find out your current status
$ gits
git status -sb -uall
## master...origin/master [ahead 1]
(see also: gits fs)
Do a fetch/status check
$ gits fs
See diffs, always in colour (set GIT_use_less_ms=0
in your environment to view in less
$ gits file1 file2 file3
Commit the same files
$ gits file1 file2 file3 -m my commit message
... and get warnings if you commit on master ...
$ gits . -m
You are comitting on master - continue ? [y/N] > n
Set 'allow_master_commits = false' in .git-shortcuts to make this decision permanent.
See the log in color, with decorations (if your system's default config doesn't do this automatically), in oneline mode
$ gits log
git log --color --decorate=short --oneline
8d7c337 (HEAD -> master) Make use of 'less' configurable, rework help
4dd3e2b (origin/master) Pull message is OK when repo is OK
86607ba Add status check for specified directories
16c9052 fix pull verification issue
1a94b82 Add pull check, change log command options
See the full log graph, in colour, with decorations, in oneline mode
$ gits log -g
# versus `git log --graph --oneline --all --decorate=short --color`
Save and apply different profiles
# One-time setup
$ gits profile save pro "Professional Name" "coder@site.net"
$ gits profile save user2 "ThatGit" "git@large.net"
$ gits profile apply pro
$ gits profile
Current config:
Name: Professional Name
Email: coder@site.net
Commit with an alternate profile
$ gits . -m/user2
# sets user2's details in `config user.name` and `config user.email`,
# commits,
# then reverts
( and more to come ... )
This tool is written using Bash Builder. You are welcome to contribute changes and additional features you think would be helpful.
The specific goals of Git Shortcuts is to provide a tool that provides short-hand ways of performing long-winded tasks or inconveniently lengthy commands.