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Application of CNN and LSTM to predict dissolved inorganic carbon profiles in the Southern Ocean.


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Southern Ocean Carbon

This deep-learning (DL) U-net model applies the convolutional neural networks (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) units to predict dissolved carbon dioxide profiles in the Southern Ocean using physical parameters that are readily available from satellite observations and climate reanalysis.

1. System prerequisites

The following software dependencies have been installed while testing and validating the model.

Package Version
Python 3.6.3
TensorFlow 2.1.0
CUDA 8.0.44
cuDNN 7.0
TensorFlow 2.1.0
Keras 2.3.1

The present demo (and the estimated install time and run time) below assumes that the users work with a Unix-like machine with a GPU. Estimated run time of training the demo model on a normal computer is also provided.

2. Download raw data

We propose a multi-phase training stratety to train the model. In phase 1, we use simulated diagnostics from the Biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate (B-SOSE) data assimilation system. In phase 2, we train the model using observational datasets and climate reanalysis datasets. The input/output variables for both training phases are shown below:

Table 2.1: Input variables

Input variable Phase 1 source Phase 2 source
Sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) B-SOSE (Link) Copernicus Marine Service (Link)
Flux of CO2 due to air-sea exchange (pCO2) B-SOSE Landschützer et al., 2016 (Link)
Heat flux (Tflx) B-SOSE ERA5
Zonal component of ocean surface current velocity (U) B-SOSE OSCAR (Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time) (Link)
Meridional component of ocean surface current velocity (V) B-SOSE OSCAR (Ocean Surface Current Analysis Real-time)
Vertical component of ocean surface current velocity (W) B-SOSE Derived from SSHA
Surface Chlorophyll-a concentration (CHL-a) B-SOSE The GlobColour project (Link)
Zonal component of ocean surface wind speed (u10m) ERA5 (Link) ERA5
Meridional component of ocean surface wind speed (v10m) ERA5 ERA5
Sea surface temperature (SST) ERA5 ERA5

Table 2.2: Output variables

Output variable Phase 1 source Phase 2 source
Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) B-SOSE Global Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2 (GLODAPv2) shipboard measurements (Link)
Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) biogeochemical Argo floats (Link1 or Link2)
  • Downloading the datasets could be done using the wget package.
  • To download ERA5 data, a CDS account and a configuration file (.cdsapirc in your home directory) have to be set up. Instructions are documented here.
  • It has to be stressed that the net download time could take ~1 week, depending on the download speed. A bash code to automate the downloading process could be helpful in reducing the time required.

3. Steps to preprocess data before training

3.1) Regrid raw datasets using Climate Data Operators (CDO)

  • The raw datasets from B-SOSE (iter105), ERA5, GlobColour, and OSCAR have different resolutions. They have to be regridded to a 1° × 1° grid to be used by the DL model.
  • The datasets mentioned above are regridded to the 1° × 1° grid (grid file provided as utils/SOCO2.grid) using the nearest neighbor remapping function from the Climate Data Operators (Link).
  • Example command: cdo remapnn,utils/SOCO2.grid

3.2) Preprocess datasets offline to NumPy readable format (.npy/.npz)

  • The desired shape of input and output data arrays of the DL model is (nsample, nlatitude, nlongitude, nvariable/ndepth). The regridded raw datasets have to be further processed to a NumPy readable format with the correct dimensions.
  • nsample could be any nonzero possitive integer. nlatitude=48 and nlongitude=360 to accommodate the 1° × 1° grid over the Southern Ocean. For the input data, nvariable=10 for the 10 physical variables, whereas ndepth=48 for the output data (DIC concentrations at 48 vertical levels).
  • The phase-1 training datasets (X and Y) are prepared using 3-day average fields from B-SOSE and hourly fields from ERA-5. This dataset covers from 1 Jan. 2008 to 31 Dec. 2012.
  • Psuedocode for phase-1 X and Y preparation:
for each sample of the B-SOSE simulation:
├── read B-SOSE fields
├── convert unit of DIC to umol/kg
├── for every hour in the 3-day time window:
│   ├── read and allocate ERA5 hourly fields
├── end for
├── calculate 3-day average ERA5 fields
├── concatenate B-SOSE and ERA5 fields along the `nvariable` dimension
├── write X and Y data to .npy or .npz
end for
  • The scripts used to process the B-SOSE and ERA5 datasets are provided as the example_data/scripts/ file.
  • Example datasets used in the demo are stored in the example_data/phase1_example_data/ folder.

3.3) Preprocess in situ datasets offline

  • In situ datasets are used in the second training phase. They also have to be aggregated to the 1° × 1° grid to be used by the U-net.
  • The phase-2 input datasets (X) are prepared using physical variables from sources mentioned in Table 2.1.
  • The phase-2 output datasets (Y) are prepared by aggregating measurements from Argo/GLODAPv2. The Argo data covers from 2014 to 2019, whereas the GLODAPv2 data covers from 1993 to 2019.
  • Both X and Y datasets are 5-day average fields. For each year, there would be n5day=73 samples.
  • Pseudocode for phase-2 X generation:
for each year from 1993 to 2019:
├── for each 5-day time window of the year:
│   ├── read the regridded data from phase-2 sources in Table 2.1.
│   ├── for every hour in the 5-day time window:
│   │   ├── read and allocate ERA5 hourly fields
│   ├── end for
│   ├── calculate 5-day average ERA5 fields
│   ├── concatenate physical variables along the `nvariable` dimension
│   end for
end for
  • Pseudocode for phase-2 Y generation:
for each year from 2014/1993 to 2019:
├── prepare a NumPy array with shape of (n5day, nlatitude, nlongitude, ndepth)
├── for each raw measurement file for this year:
│   ├── read information about datetime, longitude, latitude, and measured DIC
│   ├── for each measurement in this file:
│   │   ├── find the indicies for the nearest grid cell for each measurement
│   │   ├── find the index for the corresponding 5-day time window
│   │   endfor
│   end for
├── average measured DIC in each grid box
end for
  • The script used for the phase-2 X data generation is the example_data/scripts/ file.
  • The scripts used for the phase-2 Y data generation are the example_data/scripts/ file and the example_data/scripts/ file.
  • Example datasets used in the demo are in the example_data/phase2_example_data/ folder.

3.4) Estimated run time

  • The net time required by this data preparation process can take 12~24 hours. A bash code to automate this process could be helpful in reducing the time required.

4. Train a demo U-net model

4.1) Usage using a Jupyter Notebook

  • The example.ipynb jupyter notebook contains several examples about the usage of the U-net model.

4.2) Usage using command lines

To train a U-net model:

python ./ --x sample_data/phase1_sample_data/X/X_* --y sample_data/phase1_sample_data/Y/Y_* --lvl1 1 --lvl2 2 --b 20 --o model_weights_example.h5
  • Path for the prepared X datasets is specified after --x.
  • Path for the prepared X datasets is specified after --y.
  • Final model weights are saved in .h5 format with a filename specified after --o.
  • --lvl1 and --lvl2 specify the initial and end vertical levels to be trained simultaneously to save computational time.
  • --b specifies the batch size, which is a tunable hyperparameter defining the number of samples to be trained simultaneously to save computational time.

To use a pretrained model to generate DIC predictions:

python ./ --x sample_data/phase1_sample_data/X/X_* --lvl1 1 --lvl2 2 --w path/to/model/weights.h5 --o example_output
  • --w specifies the filename of the pretrained model weights.
  • Here --o specifies the path to save the U-net predictions.

4.3) Expected output

  • Training logs in .csv showing the evolution of the loss.
  • Model checkpoints in .h5 format.
  • Final model weights in .h5 format after the training is finished.

4.4) Estimated run time for training the demo model

  • On a normal computer with an i7-6700K CPU and without GPU functionality (with 2 vertical layers trained simultaneously and batch size to be 5): Each epoch takes ~16 seconds. It takes ~10 minute (30 ~ 50 epochs) for R-sqaured to reach 0.8. Training of the 48 layers would take ~3 hours.
  • On ComputeCanada's Graham cluster with the NVIDIA T4 Turing card (with 2 vertical layers trained simultaneously and batch size to be 5): Each epoch takes ~1 second. It takes ~1 minute for R-sqaured to reach 0.8. Training of the 48 layers would take ~1 hour.

4.5) Estimated run time with full data and misc

  • On ComputeCanada's Graham cluster with the NVIDIA T4 Turing card: training the U-net model on full datasets could take 1~2 weeks.
  • For the paper results, phase-1 training is stopped after the Squared Error Loss decreases to below 200. Phase-2 training is stopped after the Squared Error Loss decreases to below 20.


  1. Landschützer, P., Gruber, N., Bakker, D. C. E.: Decadal variations and trends of the global ocean carbon sink, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30, doi:10.1002/2015GB005359, 2016
  2. Varvara E. Zemskova, et al.: A deep-learning estimate of the decadal trends in the Southern Ocean carbon storage, preprint, (, 2021.


Application of CNN and LSTM to predict dissolved inorganic carbon profiles in the Southern Ocean.






