This is a Homebrew tap for the Tamarin prover.
Install Homebrew and run
brew install tamarin-prover/tap/tamarin-prover
Homebrew formulae can include compiled binaries, which it calls "bottles". To build a new bottle (perhaps for a new operating system or Tamarin release):
brew install --build-bottle tamarin-prover/tap/tamarin-prover
brew bottle tamarin-prover --keep-old --root-url=
where VERSION is the current release, e.g, 1.6.0, and note the output it gives you with the bottle SHA and tag,- Rename the bottle to use a single hyphen (e.g.,
). Homebrew should give you the relevant output on the command line to update in thetamarin-prover.rb
formula. If not, on Linux, run sha256sum on the renamed file, and use the result to replace the bottle hash from previous item. On macOS, useshasum -a 256 <filename>
. - Add binaries to the GitHub release.
- Update the
formula with the bottle SHA and tag, in the bottle section.
New installs will then use this bottle.
To build a new bottle (perhaps for a new operating system or Maude/libbuddy release):
brew install --build-bottle tamarin-prover/tap/maude
orbrew install --build-bottle tamarin-prover/tap/libbuddy
brew bottle maude --keep-old --root-url=
orbrew bottle lib buddy --keep-old --root-url=
, and note the output it gives you with the bottle SHA and tag,- Rename the bottle to use a single hyphen. Homebrew should give you the relevant output on the command line to update in the
formula. If not, on Linux, run sha256sum on the renamed file, and use the result to replace the bottle hash from previous item. On macOS, useshasum -a 256 <filename>
. - Submit a separate pull request for containing the new binaries for maude or lib buddy.
- Update the
formula with the bottle SHA and tag, in the bottle section.