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An NLog target that sends logs to New Relic Logs

.NET Core

Note: This is an unofficial package. Since this is an experimental library, please consider using more robust log shipping method (e.g. fluentd) in the production.


  • New Relic Logs subscription (License Key or Insert API key is required)
  • New Relic APM subscription if you'd like to enable Logs in Context
  • NLog 4.6.0 or above and NewRelic.LogEnrichers.NLog 1.0.0 or above. (These are dependent libraries.)


  1. Add NLog.Targets.NewRelicLab.Logs package.

  2. Configure NLog Target with your favorite way. Note that this Targtet always uses NewRelicJsonLayout. You should not specify other targets. You can configure AsyncTaskTarget properties, since NewRelicLogsTarget inherits AsyncTaskTarget.

    Here are configuration examples. You can configure other options as long as NLog supports.

    1. From code
    using NLog;
    using NLog.Config;
    using NLog.Targets.NewRelicLab.Logs;
    var loggerConfig = new LoggingConfiguration();
    var newRelicTarget = new NewRelicLogsTarget()
        LicenseKey = "<REPLACE_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>",
        Endpoint = "", //default Endpoint is US
        EscapeJson = true, // If you log message is formatted as JSON, you can forcely formate the JSON to plain formatted string.
        // You can specify all properties of AsyncLogTarget
        BatchSize = 10,
        RetryCount = 3
        // you don't have to specify Layout. We always use `NewRelicJsonLayout` whatever layout you specify.
    loggerConfig.AddRuleForAllLevels(new ConsoleTarget());
    LogManager.Configuration = loggerConfig;
    1. With NLog.config
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <nlog xmlns=""
        <add assembly="NLog.Targets.NewRelicLab.Logs"/>
        <target name="logNewRelic" xsi:type="NewRelicLogs" 
        <target name="logconsole" xsi:type="Console" />
        <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logconsole" />
        <logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logNewRelic" />
  3. (Option) Instead of specify LicenseKey in the code or configuration file, you can specify one of the following ENVIRONMENT VARIABLEs to start the process: NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY is for a New Relic License Key, or NEW_RELIC_INSERT_KEY is for an Insert API key.

  4. Output your log with NLog.

  var logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Example");
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
      logger.Info($"Hello New Relic Logs {i}");
  1. You will see your log in New Relic Logs.

Release Notes

0.2.1 (security fix)

  • Bumps System.Text.Encodings.Web from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1.


  • more InternalLog
  • refactor GZipZStringContent class
  • support force escape JSON
  • add ConfigureAwait(false) to async invocation
  • add NLog.config example


Experimental Release.

File an issue

Please enable NLog Internal Logging and submit issue with your environment, configuration and logs.