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Before using the app Stripe has to be configured properly. Stripe provide publishable_key and secret_key using which our app authenticates with Stripe. These keys have to be set as environment variables in config/application.yml. The sample file config/application.yml.sample has been added for the reference. This config file (should not be and) is not being tracked with Git. The app uses figaro gem to set environment variables.

Stripe sends various events as webhooks to our app. The /stripe_events path receives these webhooks from Stripe in our app. On Stripe,, this setting should point to http://<app_url>/stripe_events.

While testing on local, service like can be used. After installing ngrok on the machine, command ngrok http 3000, will create a tunnel between internet and local machine's port 3000 via ngrok. ngrok will provide a URL as an ouptput of the command. <the_ngrok_url>/stripe_events should be set as Webhook URL on Stripe.


The gem mailcatcher is used to inspect the outgoing mail from the app. Install mailcatcher with the command gem install mailcatcher. Once installed the command, mailcatcher, will start a background service to inspect emails and will provide a URL to inspect those emails using Web UI.


rake db:seed creates the plans on Stripe creates Plans on database as well as on Stripe if they are not already created.


Login functionality is very basic and just for demo purpose only. It has been created to give idea about various user status and permissions. It is not to be used in the production envrionment.

There is a /users path created to make the testing easy. It shows the various fields about the current users. Also, it gives one click login functionality. So that while testing the functionality there is no need to signin by username and password every time.

User Parameters

Users table has various flags which determines the status of the user. They are as described below:

  • is_active: This flag decided if user can use the pro content or not. Whenever user is not supposed to use pro features any more, this flag is set to false i.e. if a user's subscription is deleted or after they trial is over if user has not updated card details, this flag is set to false.

  • charge_failed: If the charge is failed, the app might want to restrict user from certain actions. Currently, it does not let user visit only_pro content if the flag is set to true. If the falg is set to false, user is not restricted.

There is a functionality to repay the last failed charge. If the user repays successfully, this flag will set to true and user will be free to use pro content if other flags allowed.

  • allowed_trial:
    If a user subscribes to any paid plan, cancels it, and after few days again subscribes then they should not be able to go on trial again. allowed_trial keeps track on users' trial elligibility. If set to false user's subscription will be created without trial.

  • payment_source: We are not supposed to store user's payment details on our server. When we submit the details directly to Stripe, it returns a token using which we can charge customer anytime in the future.


Only Pro

This path is accessible only to users subscribed to Pro plan. If any user is on free plan or if user have failed charge then user will not be able to go through this content.

My Account

This page shows the current status of the subscription, as well as provides opton to cancel the subscription and reactivate it before it gets deleted.


This page displays the current payment source added by the user, if any. Or, it can be used to update the current payment source.


This page shows the current plan as well as provides the optoins to change the plan.

The currently subscribed plan or Free plan will not be visible in the list. User can fall back to free plan anytime by cancelling the subscription from /my_account path.


This page shows upcoming invoice, as well as all the invoices of the customer. Status shows if the invoice has been paid or not.


This page shows the list of all the extra charges for the logged in user.

Create Charge

This page is to demonstrate the creation of extra charge. The user will be charged as per the details enter in this form. Then Charge details will appear on the /charge path for that particular user.


Shows the list of current users in the database as well as various fields for testing purpose.


Start subscription without credit card on Stripe







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