A social news site with a page that lists posts submitted by users. A post consists of a title and content that can be a link to a news article or simply text. A post can also have zero or more comments. The list or posts can be sorted by date (newest first) or number of upvotes.
- Anyone can
- sign up and login
- browse posts that are sorted by upvotes or date
- read posts and comments
- Registered users can
- create posts with a title and either a link or a text
- edit or delete their posts and comments
- write comments on posts
- upvote posts
The application is running at: https://social-news-site.herokuapp.com/
Username and password for test account is "test".
Clone this repository with
git clone https://github.com/tapanih/social-news-site
Create a Python virtual environment inside the folder (Python 3.7+ required) and activate it with commands
$ cd social-news-site
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies with command
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the application with command
(venv) $ python run.py
The application should now be running at
The repository contains Procfile and runtime.txt for Heroku configuration. An environment variable needs to be set on Heroku with command
(venv) $ heroku config:set HEROKU=1
Also a database needs to be created with
(venv) $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Using different database management systems locally and in production makes development harder than it needs to be. Using PostgreSQL everywhere would have been a better option. Also the performance on larger data sets is unknown. Currently there are no indices used and upvote/comment counts are calculated on the fly.