A package to suggest usernames from taylornetwork/laravel-username-generator
This would be useful if you want to show your users a list of suggested usernames based on their entry if their selection is unavailable.
Via composer
$ composer require taylornetwork/username-suggester
This will publish to config/username_suggester.php
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TaylorNetwork\UsernameSuggester\UsernameSuggesterProvider"
You will need to follow the quickstart guide for taylornetwork/laravel-username-generator.
At minimum your User
model needs to use the TaylorNetwork\UsernameGenerator\FindSimilarUsernames
(see set up)
The suggester will generate 3
unique usernames based on the given name. It will use the increment
driver which will use the
class to convert the name to a username and then add incrementing numbers on the end to make them unique.
If no name is entered it will generate random usernames, same as TaylorNetwork\UsernameGenerator\Generator
The suggest()
method accepts an optional parameter of the name to suggest usernames for.
$suggester = new \TaylorNetwork\UsernameSuggester\Suggester();
$suggester->suggest(); // Returns a collection of random unique usernames
$suggester->suggest('test user'); // Returns a collection of unique usernames based on the name 'test user'
This will allow you to set a different driver than the default.
This method returns an instance of the Suggester
class, so you're able to chain methods.
This will allow you to set a different amount of suggestions than the default.
This method returns an instance of the Suggester
class, so you're able to chain methods.
This will allow you to override the TaylorNetwork\UsernameGenerator\Generator
'separator' => '*',
Same as setAmount
and setDriver
this method also returns the Suggester
$suggester->suggest('test user');
$suggester->setDriver('random')->setAmount(5)->suggest('test user');
This will use the Random
driver to append random numbers after the username and generate 5 usernames.
A UsernameSuggester
facade is included so all the methods can be accessed that way.
You can create any custom drivers by extending the TaylorNetwork\UsernameSuggester\Drivers\BaseDriver
namespace App\SuggesterDrivers;
use TaylorNetwork\UsernameSuggester\Drivers\BaseDriver;
class CustomDriver extends BaseDriver
public function makeUnique(string $username): string
return $username;
The only requirement is that you implement the makeUnique
method to make the username unique in some way.
You'll also need to register the driver in app/username_suggester.php
'drivers' => [
'custom' => CustomDriver::class,
// ...
You can access it using the key you set.