A research-oriented federated learning framework implemented with pytorch and WandB.
Follow the following steps, easy to reproduce the experiment results.
Step 0:
Register a WandB account. Refer to WandB QuickStart.
Step 1:
cd LightningFL/
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 2:
cd LightningFL/algorithm/
python main.py --algorithm=fedmc --alpha=0.1 --batchSize=50 --clientsPerRound=10 --cuda=True --dataset=cifar10 --decayStep=1 --diffCo=1 --drop=big --epoch=5 --evalInterval=1 --lr=0.1 --lrDecay=0.99 --mode=concat --model=cifar10 --mu=0.0001 --numRounds=100 --omega=100 --seed=12
Step 3:
The experiments (accuracy and loss curves) can be seen in https://wandb.ai/.