- Game based learning
- Competitions
- Interactive learning
- Books and references
- Online development environments
- Tools
- Lightbot Intro to coding starting at age 4
- Blockly designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming
- Code Spells uses blockly or JavaScript
- Human Resource Machine Learn Assembly concepts in fun game
- Glitch Space Visual programming, filtering, piping and logic concepts
- Code Craft Javascript
- Warrior JS Javascript
- Code Combat Javascript
- Slush Smackdown Blockly and Javascript
- Battlecode Java
- Screeps Javascript
- Vindinium Almost every language
- Empire of Code Javascript
- Untrusted Javascript
- Fight Code Javascript
- Clash JS Javascript
- ScriptCraft Javascript
- LearnToMod $ Javascript
- CodinGame Most Popular Languages
- Code Warriors Javascript
- Code Hunt Java, C#
- CodeFights Javascript
- Card Forest C++
- StarFighter Javascript
- Rogue AI Dungeon Javascript
- SchemaVerse SQL
- Check.io Python
- Git Game Git
- Vim Adventures Vim
- Hack n Slash Hacking mechanics game
- Code Wars
- Code Chef
- Hacker Rank
- Top Coder
- Node Knockout
- Coder Byte
- Sphere Online Judge
- CoderPower
- JS1k
- CS Unplugged Introduction to CS without computers. Great for kids.
- Scratch Introduction to coding for kids
- Code Studio Introduction to coding for kids
- Dash General introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- Devtools Challenger Firefox CSS devtools course
- CodeCademy Beginner courses for JavaScript
- CodeSchool Beginner courses for JavaScript, slighly more difficult than CodeCademy
- FreeCodeCamp Comprehensive courses from novice to advanced
- Treehouse
- Khan Academy Algorithms Computer algorithms course
- Khan Academy CS Computer science courese
- TutorialsPoint 80+ languages with playgrounds
- Learn Git
- Learn Git Branching
- CodeCademy Git
- Git Reference Visual diagram of git commands
- ES6 Katas ES6 focused exercises
- Learn Advanced Javascript
- Challenger Simple JS challenges
- Regex One Regular epression course
- jQuery
- JS Assessment
- JS Exercises
- Pixar in a box 3D Modeling and animation
- JS Udacity
- Code Avengers
- Nodeschool.io
- VisuAlgo Visualize software algorithms
- AlgorithmVisualizer Visualize software algorithms
- VisualGraphAlgorithms Visualize graph traversing algorithms
- Sorting Algorithms Visualize sorting algorithms
- Visualization Graphics
- GraphQL
- RxMarbles Visualize how observables operate
- D3 Garden Interactive D3 learning
- Codepen Social ranking based JS playground
- Turb0JS JS playground with online debugger
- JSBin JS playground
- JSFiddle JS playground
- RequireBin JS playground using NPM
- ESNextbin ES6 with NPM
- Plunker community for creating, collaborating on and sharing web development ideas
- HyperDev developer playground for building full-stack web apps, fast
- Tonic Node playground with NPM modules
- ShaderToy Social ranking based WebGL shaders
- Shader Frog
- Javascript Event Loop
- JS Object Playground
- MetaES Watch JS interpretation
- Python Tutor Execution visualizer. Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript Ruby
- Apparatus Graphics editor and programming environment
- Jison Jison AST language builder
- Visulator x86 Machine instruction simulator
- Assembler Simulator 8-bit Assembler simulator
- Asm86 Assembly x86 simulator
- Visual 6502 Machine code and hardware visualization
- YASP Assembler development environment
- IDEOne Multiple language playground
- dbgr Multi language debugger
- Rust
- Swift
- SQLFiddle
- Git
- TensorFlow Neural network playground
- Elm Multi language playground
- WebAssembly WASM web assembly
- WebAssembly Explorer C++ compiler to WASM playground
- Eloquent JavaScript Getting started with JS programming
- JavaScript Enlightenment Intermediate level introduction to JS
- Cloud 9 Full virtual development environment
- Codeanywhere Full virtual development environment
- CodeEnvy Full virtual development environment
- Koding Hybrid local and virtual development environment
- Carbide Live JS programming environment combinded with visualization
- Turbo virtual environment to run desktop applications
- WebGL Studio
- SourceLair
- Spotlight.io Visual API modeling
- PolyBit Node project hosting
- Dan's Tools Collection of online tools
- Code Beautify Collection of online tools
- XPath XPath testing
- Pretty Diff Online diff tool
- AST Explorer JavaScript AST Viewer
- JSNice Deobfuscation
- Regex101 Regular expression tester debugger
- RegexpLint Regular expression linter
- Regulex Regular expession visualizer
- Flexy Boxes CSS Flexbox generator
- Tridiv Create 3D CSS
- CSS Animate CSS Animation assistant
- Bounce.js CSS Animation assistant
- Sylie CSS Animation assistant
- EnjoyCSS CSS Generator designer
- Bezier Curve
- Paletton Pallete designer
- GridLover Typography assistant
- GlyphrStudio
- FontArk
- Fontastic
- CDN JS Search CDN JS library hosting
- OmniRef JS Documentation index of github projects
- HackerSearch.io Search all code on github
- BlackDuck Open source code search engine
- LetsEncrypt free certificate authority