About • Extra features • Technologies • Status • Deploy • Running • Author • License
Project developed during a class on the channel Hora de Codar and the project is basically a library of movies. It lists the best rated movies on the site, shows detailed information about each movie and also lets you search for movies. Also, during this class, I was able to review the React hooks, React Router and React Icons. In addition, I also got to know a movie API and practiced API consumption.
- Application refactoring using componentization
- Adding Typing with Typescript
The following tools were used in the construction of the project:
See the running project: MoviesLib
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ThiagoCordeiro52/movies-lib.git
# Access the project folder in terminal/cmd
$ cd movies-lib
# Install the project dependencies
$ npm install
# or
$ yarn install
# Run the development server
$ npm run dev
# or
$ yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Remembering that to run the program locally, it is necessary to create an API access key, on the API page: TMDB . If you don't want to, you can see the project in deployment in the section above.
This project is licensed by MIT.