A website to learn some new css skills!
Would you like to have a look? Click here!
This project showcases the use of Sass, responsive design, browser support, CSS architecture, and CSS animations. Organized in a 7-1 Sass architecture and makes use of BEM CSS methodology for its naming system. This desktop-first responsive website is designed to fit various screen widths and resolutions.
Hate scrolling images? Click here!
Project is: in progress
At the moment the website is not finished yet!
Will be working on the responsive design next.
To run this project, clone this project using:
git clone git@github.com:team-cake/just-a-website.git
install it locally using npm:
$ cd ../just-a-website
$ npm install
$ live-server
Alex Cheuk - feel free to contact me!
Credits to Jonas Schmedtmann for designing this website on his awesome Udemy course!