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TransferWise Node.js Library

An open-source TransferWise API client for Node.JS The TransferWise Node library provides convient access to the TransferWise API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.


See the TransferWise API docs for the offical docs, below is a list of methods supported by this library.

Generate Credentials

Below is a series of steps which can through you can generate wise payment gateway's credentials.:

  • When creating a new account you redirected to the sandbox account.
  • From settings section you can generate new API tokens.
  • Collect API-KEY and put it in your .env file.

NB: Requires Node >= 12


Currently only supports methods listed below. Aim to support all API methods soon.

Profiles ::


GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/profiles


Create personal user profile. Same person cannot have multiple active duplicate user profiles. Thus creating multiple profiles with the same details will fail. Use the access token you received to act on behalf of the user in the Authorization header..

Example Request:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/profiles'

Example Response:

    "message": "Profile details found successfully.",
    "result": [
            "id": < ID >,
            "type": "personal",
            "details": {
                "firstName": "< firstName >",
                "lastName": "< lastName >",
                "dateOfBirth": "< dateOfBirth >",
                "phoneNumber": "< phoneNumber >",
                "avatar": null,
                "occupation": null,
                "occupations": null,
                "primaryAddress": "< primaryAddress >",
                "firstNameInKana": null,
                "lastNameInKana": null,
                "localizedInformation": []

Currency Exchange Response ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/currency-exchange-response


Currency exchange api returns the real time currency exchange charges, fees and final amount to send to respective recipients account.

Example Request:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/currency-exchange-response' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response:

    "message": "Currency exchange response has been found successfully.",
    "result": {
        "payIn": "BALANCE",
        "payOut": "BANK_TRANSFER",
        "sourceCurrency": "USD",
        "targetCurrency": "CAD",
        "sourceAmount": 10,
        "targetAmount": 12.23,
        "fee": 0.53,
        "rate": 1.2914,
        "rateType": "FIXED",
        "feePercentage": 0.053,
        "estimatedDelivery": "2022-06-21T15:30:00Z"

Get profiles currencies ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/balance-currencies


This API returns the all the available currencies in the wise platform which can helps to developer to showcase the all currencies in the UI.

Example Request:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/balance-currencies'

Example Response:

    "message": "Balance currencies found successfully.",
    "result": [
            "code": "<country code>",
            "hasBankDetails": false,
            "payInAllowed": false,
            "sampleBankDetails": null

Get account's requirements (Related to fields) ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/account-requirements/:currencyName


This API returns the all the fields which is necessary to fill up when we selected any currency. Based on this api in UI side developers showcase the dynamic form for the bank account based on selected currency.

Example Request:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/account-requirements/USD' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "currency": "GBP",
    "legalType": "PRIVATE"

Example Response:

    "message": "Account requirements has been found successfully.",
    "result": [
            "type": "sort_code",
            "title": "Local bank account",
            "usageInfo": null,
            "fields": [
                    "name": "Recipient type",
                    "group": [
                            "key": "legalType",
                            "name": "Recipient type",
                            "type": "select",
                            "refreshRequirementsOnChange": true,
                            "required": true,
                            "displayFormat": null,
                            "example": "",
                            "minLength": null,
                            "maxLength": null,
                            "validationRegexp": null,
                            "validationAsync": null,
                            "valuesAllowed": [
                                    "key": "PRIVATE",
                                    "name": "Person"
                                    "key": "BUSINESS",
                                    "name": "Business"

Create bank account ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/accounts


Recipient is a person or institution who is the ultimate beneficiary of your payment. Recipient data includes three data blocks.

1. General Data

Owned by customer is a boolen to flag whether this recipient is the same entity (person or business) as the one sending the funds. i.e. A user sending money to thier own account in another country/currency. This can be used to separate these recipients in your UI.

2. Bank account data

There are many different variations of bank account details needed depending on recipient target currency.

3. Address data

Recipient address data is required only if target currency is USD, PHP, THB or TRY, or if the source currency is USD or AUD.

Example Request:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/accounts' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "accountHolderName":"<user name>",
    "address.firstLine":"JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Toronto Branch",

Example Response:

    "message": "Wise account has been created successfully.",
    "result": {
        "wiseId": 148415792,
        "recipientData": {
            "data": {
                "id": 148415792,
                "business": 16462863,
                "profile": 16462863,
                "accountHolderName": "< user name >",
                "currency": "CAD",
                "country": "CA",
                "type": "canadian",
                "details": {
                    "address": {
                        "country": "CA",
                        "countryCode": "CA",
                        "firstLine": "JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., Toronto Branch",
                        "postCode": "M5J2J2",
                        "city": "Toronto",
                        "state": "ON"
                    "email": null,
                    "legalType": "PRIVATE",
                    "accountHolderName": null,
                    "accountNumber": "40117399",
                    "sortCode": null,
                    "abartn": null,
                    "accountType": "CHECKING",
                    "bankgiroNumber": null,
                    "ifscCode": null,
                    "bsbCode": null,
                    "institutionNumber": "270",
                    "transitNumber": "00012",
                    "phoneNumber": null,
                    "bankCode": null,
                    "russiaRegion": null,
                    "routingNumber": null,
                    "branchCode": null,
                    "cpf": null,
                    "cardToken": null,
                    "idType": null,
                    "idNumber": null,
                    "idCountryIso3": null,
                    "idValidFrom": null,
                    "idValidTo": null,
                    "clabe": null,
                    "swiftCode": null,
                    "dateOfBirth": null,
                    "clearingNumber": null,
                    "bankName": null,
                    "branchName": null,
                    "businessNumber": null,
                    "province": null,
                    "city": null,
                    "rut": null,
                    "token": null,
                    "cnpj": null,
                    "payinReference": null,
                    "pspReference": null,
                    "orderId": null,
                    "idDocumentType": null,
                    "idDocumentNumber": null,
                    "targetProfile": null,
                    "targetUserId": null,
                    "taxId": null,
                    "job": null,
                    "nationality": null,
                    "interacAccount": null,
                    "bban": null,
                    "town": null,
                    "postCode": null,
                    "language": null,
                    "billerCode": null,
                    "customerReferenceNumber": null,
                    "prefix": null,
                    "IBAN": null,
                    "iban": null,
                    "BIC": null,
                    "bic": null
                "user": 5974075,
                "active": true,
                "ownedByCustomer": false

Create transfer ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/transfers


A transfer is a payout order to a recipient account based on a quote. Once created, a transfer needs to be funded during the next 10 working days (based on the source currency). In case not it will get automatically cancelled.

Example Request:

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/transfers' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{

Example Response:

    "message": "Transfer to account has been completed.",
    "result": {
        "wiseTransactionId": 2783106,
        "estimatedTime": "2022-06-21T22:30:00.000Z",
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "paymentGatewayData": {
            "transferId": 50916083,
            "quoteId": "58f9e9cf-e12a-49c9-9026-0cf9e3abed39",
            "type": "BALANCE",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "errorCode": null,
            "errorMessage": null,
            "balanceTransactionId": 2783106

Simulate Transfer Processing ::


POST http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/:id/:status


You can simulate payment processing by changing transfer statuses using these endpoints. This feature is limited to sandbox only. Please note, simulation doesn't work with email transfers.

Example Request:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/<transfer-id>/<status>'

Example Response:

    "message": "Transfer status has been changed to processing.",
    "result": {
        "id": 50915590,
        "user": 5974075,
        "targetAccount": 148415792,
        "sourceAccount": 148374699,
        "quote": null,
        "quoteUuid": "ef93c687-4322-4aba-ab67-1ab222a7c651",
        "status": "processing",
        "reference": "",
        "rate": 1.2915,
        "created": "2022-06-21 07:49:02",
        "business": null,
        "transferRequest": null,
        "details": {
            "reference": ""
        "hasActiveIssues": false,
        "sourceCurrency": "USD",
        "sourceValue": 9.47,
        "targetCurrency": "CAD",
        "targetValue": 12.23,
        "customerTransactionId": "7f823ed1-fc70-4f90-9fb5-e8bc02217eb4"

Transfer Requests:

GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/{transferId}/processing

Changes transfer status from incoming_payment_waiting to processing.

GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/{transferId}/funds_converted

Changes transfer status from processing to funds_converted.

GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/{transferId}/outgoing_payment_sent

Changes transfer status from funds_converted to outgoing_payment_sent.

GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/{transferId}/bounced_back

Changes transfer status from outgoing_payment_sent to bounced_back.

GET http://localhost:3003/api/wise/simulation/{transferId}/funds_refunded

Changes transfer status from bounced_back to funds_refunded.

Transfer Response: Transfer entity with changed status.

Webhook Verification

TransferWise signs all Webhook events, and it is recommended that you verify this signature . Luckily this library can do that for you.

Similarly to how stripe node works, you should only use the event returned from the method below.

Transfer status change event

This event will be triggered every time a transfer's status is updated. Each event contains a timestamp. As we do not guarantee the order of events, please use data.occurred_at to reconcile the order.

If you would like to subscribe to transfer state change events, please use transfers#state-change when creating your subscription.

Webhook Response:

    "data": {
        "resource": {
            "type": "transfer",
            "id": 111,
            "profile_id": 222,
            "account_id": 333
        "current_state": "processing",
        "previous_state": "incoming_payment_waiting",
        "occurred_at": "2020-01-01T12:34:56Z"
    "subscription_id": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
    "event_type": "transfers#state-change",
    "schema_version": "2.0.0",
    "sent_at": "2020-01-01T12:34:56Z"

Known Sandbox Issues

Below is a series of issues that l have found out through various email chains with TransferWise API team.

1. Create a Transfer

When creating a transfer, the field targetValue will always be populated as 0 regardless, therefore you should only rely on this field in production.

2. Simulate a Transfer

When funding a transfer, the transfer state might show processing, however this state is misleading. When simulating, you will still need to simulate from incoming_payment_waiting to processing.


Run build command:

$ npm run build

Run start command:

$ npm run start

This library is used to both the mobile and web application.


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