This is a bash script that will make your plain Raspberry Pi OS LXDE desktop look similar to MacOSBigSur
Run These Commands To Run The Installer:
git clone ~/MacOSBigSurThemeConverter
Run This Command To Uninstall MacOSBigSurThemeConverter
themeconverter --uninstall
You can switch between the light and dark theme using the theme converter
To run: Menu -> Accessories -> ThemeConverter
To run in a terminal: themeconverter
LightPad is a lightweight, simple and powerful application launcher. It is an alternative to launchpad in MacOSBigSur
Ulauncher is a fast application launcher for Linux. It is an alternative to spotlight search in MacOSBigSur
Panther Launcher is the application menu which is similar to the one in MacOSBigSur.
- Make A Gui For Theme Converter
- Create a website with github pages
- Add Light And Dark Theme
- Add Xfce4-panel
- Add Ulaucnher
- Add Lightpad
- Add Panther Launcher
My Video:
Leepsp's Video:
I have not made any of the themes or icons
Theme made by vinceliuice
Find the theme at
Icons made by yeyushengfan258
Find the icons at
Cursors theme made by Macintosh98
Find the cursors at
Plank theme and wallpaper make by FKORPSVART
Find the plank theme and wallpapers at