Layer 2 Protocol Reverse Engineering
is a tool to reverse engineer protocols working on the data link layer e.g., protocols similar to IEEE 802.11 or protocols of (wireless) embedded devices. It looks for address, frame type, sequence and checksum fields. Furthermore, it can infer context related fields if context information is submitted via .yaml
files. Speaking of input files, l2pre
takes .pcapng
files that are captures of the protocol at question. See the example to get an impression of the usage of l2pre
. The figure below shows the general idea.
You need libpcap and Python 3.8 and a bunch of python modules (installed via pip, so you need that as well). If you want to measure the FMS, you need tshark as well.
The following commands are based on a Debian system, in case you want to execute the scripts on your system directly. We recommend using the Docker container instead, to prevent any dependecy problems at all. See Dockerfile usage.
apt-get update && apt-get install libpcap-dev tshark git python3 python3-pip
git clone --recursive
cd l2pre
pip3 install pylstar==0.1.2 numpy==1.20.2
cd src/netzob-src/netzob && python3 install && cd ../..
pip3 install -r src/nemesys/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
There is a Dockerfile provided so that you can use l2pre without worrying about dependencies. The following code builds the image and starts a container with the directory bind as a volume so that input files can be easily used and generated reports can be easily accessed even after stopping the container.
git clone --recursive
cd l2pre
docker build . -t l2pre:latest
docker run -ti --mount type=bind,source=$(pwd),target=/l2pre/ l2pre:latest
For the use of src/
where tshark is going to be used, we need to add the --privileged
flag to the run command above.
$ ./src/ --help
usage: [-h] [-l LAYER] [-nt] [-i] [-b] [-e] [-w] PCAPs [PCAPs ...]
Layer 2 Protocol Reverse Engineering
positional arguments:
PCAPs pcap/pcapng files with network traffic to be analyzed
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LAYER, --layer LAYER
Layer to import, defaults to 1 (use 2 if importing stuff in Radiotap header)
-nt, --no-tunnel Do not look for Ethernet frames while searching for payloads. To use in case
of layer 2 replacements of Ethernet, but NOT in case of tunneled Ethernet+X
-i, --interactive start interactive session after automatic protocol reversing
-b, --export-bf export boofuzz template
-e, --export-pf export protocol format
-w, --export-ws export wireshark dissector
In folder input/iPCF are network traces captured with context information stored in .yaml files. These can serve as an examplary case to reverse engineer the structure of these fields to understand the general idea.
$ ./src/ -l 2 -e input/iPCF/iPCF_{1,2}.pcapng
Import PCAP files...
Try to find and cut off payloads with known protocols...
Start feature detection...
> Find basic features in messages (MAC, SEQ and Checksum fields)...
> Find features by comparing context information...
> Deduplicate messages...
Symbol_1c020000: 4 unique messages
Frame_type | MAC | MAC | MAC | Field | channel | Field | channel | Field
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ | ------- | -----
'1c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '10bb10' | '9d' | '60ad' | '01' | '00'
'1c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'a0cc10' | '9d' | '60ad' | '01' | '80'
'1c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '703a10' | 'a1' | '60ad' | '00' | '00'
'1c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '404d10' | 'a1' | '60ad' | '00' | '80'
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------- | ------- | ------ | ------- | -----
Symbol_2c013c00: 7 unique messages
Frame_type | MAC | MAC | MAC | SEQ | Field | SEQ | Field | Checksum
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ----- | ---- | ---------- | ----------
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '10' | '00' | '00000000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '005e0000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '004a0000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '00460000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '00650000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '00740000' | '00000000'
'2c013c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '14' | '00' | '004d0000' | '00000000'
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ----- | ---- | ---------- | ----------
Symbol_2c023c00: 143 unique messages
(only showing 30 here)
Frame_type | MAC | MAC | MAC | SEQ | Field | SEQ | channel | Field | Checksum
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | ------ | ----------
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e00' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1600' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '169d' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e9d' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1699' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e99' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '160a' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e0a' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1618' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e18' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1600' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1677' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e77' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1696' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e96' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '160a' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '166c' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e6c' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '16ac' | '00' | '9d' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1eac' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1696' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '166c' | '00' | '9d' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e00' | '00' | 'a1' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1600' | '00' | 'a1' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '16e2' | '00' | 'a1' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1ee2' | '00' | 'a1' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '16f8' | '00' | 'a1' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1ef8' | '00' | 'a1' | '05ee' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '166b' | '00' | 'a1' | '0fff' | '00000000'
'2c023c00' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '1e6b' | '00' | 'a1' | '05ee' | '00000000'
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ------ | ---- | ------- | ------ | ----------
Symbol_0c020000: 2 unique messages
Frame_type | MAC | MAC | MAC | SEQ | Field | channel | Checksum
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ----- | ------- | ----------
'0c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '10' | '9d' | '00000000'
'0c020000' | 'ffffffffffff' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '0000' | '10' | 'a1' | '00000000'
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ------ | ----- | ------- | ----------
Symbol_2c093c00: 6 unique messages
Frame_type | MAC | MAC | MAC | Field
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | --------------------------
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'c0351068000000002ffd4f66'
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '90bb10c50000000061c4f763'
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'c0181098000000002ef51180'
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '405f100000000000d257f0b3'
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '70c8109300000000dd11f48a'
'2c093c00' | 'd4f5275645a0' | 'd4f5274188c0' | 'd4f5275645a0' | '405a10a40000000023416f64'
---------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | --------------------------
Protocol format exported to 'reports/protocol_format_2021-07-15_171616.txt'.
You can calculate the Format Match Score (FMS) as introduced by Kleber et al.. They published the implementation here. To measure the FMS with l2pre use
seen here. An exemplary execution with data from input/ethernet is
./src/ --no-tunnel input/ethernet/test1.pcapng
Currently, only single file input is supported (TODO prepare to use multiple files as l2pre uses those)