MultiSSH is a systems administration tool that runs Linux/Unix commands on multiple ssh servers, it is a lightweight tool that is easy to setup and use.
Install dependencies for Debian/Ubuntu, run in your Terminal shell:
sudo apt-get install libssh-dev
Or for Red Hat/CentOS:
sudo yum install libssh-devel
Then compile:
gcc multissh.c -o multissh -lssh
You must create a file named 'sshservers' which contains a list of ssh servers and credentials before MultiSSH is run, you must add one line per server, in the format:
The sshservers.example file is an example of what an 'sshservers' file should look like.
After compiling, MultiSSH can be run as follows:
./multissh 'command(s)'
When running multiple commands, each command must be separated with a semicolon ';' and all commands must be within quotes, for example:
./multissh 'ps; free -m'
Tested and confirmed working on Ubuntu, CentOS, and OS X. Should work on any Linux distribution and *BSD.