Tween# (TweenSharp) is a tweening library for C# / Unity with an interface inspired by Greensocks TweenMax.
I've used ActionScript / Flash for several years, and I'm moving to Unity / C# now. TweenMax is very ease to use and nice to work with, while still being very powerfull if needed. I've found the existing tweening libraries for C# tedious to work with ... they often require several lines of code where Tween# only needs one line. Which bring us to the next section:
You want move an object along x- and y-coordinates while fading alpha to 0 using a Quad Ease over 5 seconds? Easy, just use this code:
TweenSharp tween = new TweenSharp(gameObject, 5f, new
x = 8f,
y = -5f,
alpha = 0f,
ease = Quad.EaseOut
} );
Tween# of course supports many more features:
- Tween any float property on any object
- All important ease functions are included (from simple one like Linear and Quad to more complex ones like Bounce and Elastic)
- Plugin support for properties. x,y and alpha in the example mentioned above are handled by plugins.
- Autodetection of object type. If necessary, those plugins use the RectTransform of the object instead of the Transform.
- onComplete and onUpdate with and without parameters are supported
- You can easily control the tween with propertied and methods like "paused", "reverted", "Progress" and "Restart".
- Use "DelayedCall" for delayed execution of methods.
Just download the sources and put them into your Assets directory in your project.