Write a number prettifier - Write tested code (in any language) that accepts a numeric type and returns a truncated, "prettified" string version. The prettified version should include one number after the decimal when the truncated number is not an integer. It should prettify numbers greater than 6 digits and support millions, billions and trillions.
input: 1000000
output: 1M
input: 2500000.34
output: 2.5M
input: 532
output: 532
input: 1123456789
output: 1.1B
Core logic can be found in this folder.
The design choice was influenced by the SOLID principles. The goal was to build it in such a way that it allowed for extensibility. The abstract class contains the base implementation and other implementations overrides it. As you might have seen from the folder, I have 3 implementations: en, fr and abbrev - which is the original problem statement.
dotnet run -c release
With Performance Benchmark before execution
dotnet run -c release -- PerformanceMode=true
I created a react-based frontend to visualize the functionality.
Demo Project to Pretifier Numbers
// * Summary *
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.13.5, OS=Windows 11 (10.0.22621.1413/22H2/2022Update/SunValley2)
12th Gen Intel Core i7-12700H, 1 CPU, 20 logical and 14 physical cores
.NET SDK=7.0.102
[Host] : .NET 7.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
DefaultJob : .NET 7.0.2 (, X64 RyuJIT AVX2
| Method | number | type | Mean | Error | StdDev | Ratio | Gen0 | Allocated | Alloc Ratio |
|------- |-------------- |------- |---------:|--------:|--------:|------:|-------:|----------:|------------:|
| Pretty | 1000000000000 | abbrev | 130.2 ns | 0.79 ns | 0.70 ns | 1.00 | 0.0007 | 208 B | 1.00 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| Pretty | 1000000000000 | en | 128.9 ns | 1.12 ns | 0.99 ns | 1.00 | 0.0007 | 208 B | 1.00 |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| Pretty | 1000000000000 | fr | 128.4 ns | 1.52 ns | 1.35 ns | 1.00 | 0.0007 | 208 B | 1.00 |
// * Hints *
AbbreviatedPrettifier.Pretty: Default -> 1 outlier was removed (138.66 ns)
AbbreviatedPrettifier.Pretty: Default -> 1 outlier was removed (135.06 ns)
AbbreviatedPrettifier.Pretty: Default -> 1 outlier was removed (138.87 ns)
// * Legends *
number : Value of the 'number' parameter
type : Value of the 'type' parameter
Mean : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
Error : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
StdDev : Standard deviation of all measurements
Ratio : Mean of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
Gen0 : GC Generation 0 collects per 1000 operations
Allocated : Allocated memory per single operation (managed only, inclusive, 1KB = 1024B)
Alloc Ratio : Allocated memory ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
1 ns : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)
// * Diagnostic Output - MemoryDiagnoser *
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: End *****
Run time: 00:00:47 (47.77 sec), executed benchmarks: 3
Global total time: 00:00:51 (51.13 sec), executed benchmarks: 3
// * Artifacts cleanup *