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logging module

Kirill Scherba edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Teonet logging application

1. Description

This project included Teonet logging application and logging library modules.

The main Projects Goal is ...  
Teonet logging basic schema

Basic projects structure:

  • Teonet library logging server (get logs from applications) module:
    code in this project - embedded to the libteonet;
    see at: ./src/modules/logging_server.c (and .h)

  • Teonet library logging client (send logs to logging server) module:
    code in this project - embedded to the libteonet;
    see at: ./src/modules/logging_client.c (and .h)

  • Teonet logging server application (show logs in console and save it to system log file):
    code in this project; see at: ./src/main.cpp

  • Teonet server application which send logs (simple application which send logs):
    code in this project - embedded to the libteonet; see at: ./app/main.cpp \TODO Create server application

  • Teonet client application based on teochatcli, it connected to Teonet logging server application, get logs from it, and can process sum control commands:
    code in this project - embedded to the libteonet. \TODO Create client application

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