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Termeh based component for vue 3.


You must import and register components manually.


This package published as vTermeh module in umd.

<script src=""></script>


npm i @termehui/vtermeh


Choose component. You can set default slot to change default item template.

  <vChoose :items="items" v-model="item">
    <template #default="{ item, failed, disabled }">
      {{ item == "first" ? "1th" : item == "second" ? "2th" : item }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vChoose } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const items = ref(["first", "second", "third"]);
const item = ref("");

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/choose.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/choose.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
items Array List of items
disabled Boolean disabled state
failed Boolean failed state (error)
identifier String id field of item, empty identifier for non-object items

Choose component have following classes:

  • is-stacked: set choose direction as vertical.
  • is-{device}-stacked: set choose direction as vertical for device.
  • is-{size}: set choose size to size.
  • is-{color}: set choose color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
sizes list of non-iterable sizes to include in choose sizes ()


Responsive columns generator.

Note: child items must have column-item class and data-priority attribute.

Note: this component does not support dynamic fields.

Note: you can use update exposed function to manually update layout.

      v-for="(v, i) in items"
      :data-priority="i + 1"
      {{ v }}

    <div class="column-item" data-priority="0">AA</div>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vColumns } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
import { ref } from "vue";

const items = ref(["hi", "a", "b", "c"]);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/columns.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/columns.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description Default
mobile number column count on mobile device 1
tablet number column count on tablet device 2
desktop number column count on desktop device 3
wide number column count on wide device and higher 4
mobileQ string query string for mobile "screen and (max-width: 768px)"
desktopQ string query string for desktop "screen and (min-width: 1024px)"
wideQ string query string for wide "screen and (min-width: 1408px)"

Columns component have following classes:

  • is-gapless: remove gap between columns.
  • is-{gap}-gaped: set options gap to registered iterable gaps.
variable description default
gaps list of non-iterable gaps to include in columns gaps ()


Dropdown component.

  <vDropdown :items="items" v-model="item" v-model:searchValue="search">
    <template #icon="{ isEmpty, isOpen, isFiltered, failed, disabled }">
    <template #selected="{ item, failed, disabled }"> Single item </template>
    <template #selected="{ item, remove, failed, disabled }">
      Multi Select items
    <template #action="{ isEmpty, isOpen, isFiltered, failed, disabled }">
    <template #menu="{ isEmpty, isOpen, isFiltered, failed, disabled }">
      <div class="item" v-if="isFiltered">Add new</div>
    <template #default="{ id, selected, active, failed, disabled, item }">
      Menu Item
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vDropdown } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const items = ref([{...}, {...}]);
const item = ref();

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dropdown.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/dropdown.scss"; // old node version

Note: if you return true from key handler function, default dropdown keyboard handler not fired!

Note: you can use close and open exposed function to manually close dropdown.

Property Type default Description
search Boolean false allow search
delete Boolean true allow delete item with ctrl+backspace
autoClose Boolean true close dropdown after select on single mode
multiple Boolean false allow multiple selection
disabled Boolean false disabled state
failed Boolean false failed state (error)
placeholder String 'Select' placeholder text
identifier String '' id field of item, empty identifier for non-object items
items Array [] items list
searchValue String '' search model value
modelValue any undefined model value
keyHandler (e: KeyboardEvent, selected: unknown) => boolean undefined custom keyboard handler


Field wrapper component (based on termeh form field).

    label="Enter name"
    help="enter your full name"
    default="name is invalid"
    <template #default="{ id }">
      <div class="input">
        <input :id="id" v-model="name" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vField } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/field.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/field.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
errors `Array Object` list of error keys or error with message
messages Object list of error messages (can override default error message)
label string label text
help string help text
default string default error message
required bool mark field as required
fit bool add is-marginless to field


File upload with preview. You can get selected files from @select event.

Note: You can call clear inner method to clear input (e.g. refVar.value.clear());

    :icons="{ '.*/x-zip.*': 'zip.png', '*': 'default.png' }"
    <template #thumbnails>
      <img src="default thumb.jpg" />
    <template v-slot="{ count }">
      <div v-if="count == 0">Please select image</div>
      <div v-else>{{ count }} Image</div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vFileUpload } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const page = ref(0);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/file-upload.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/file-upload.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
multiple boolean allow select multiple file
accept string accept pattern
icons object key/value object of file type pattern (regex or * for default) with icon path

File upload component use default termeh .input for styling.

variable description default
width thumbnail icon width 4em
height thumbnail icon height 4em
opacity hover state opacity 0.1

You must use "file-upload" as component name for overriding variable in termeh.

Icon Toggle

Icon toggle component. you must set icon and active slot to set different state icons.

  <vIconToggle v-model="selected" class="is-large is-primary">
    <template #icon>
      <Star />
    <template #active>
      <StarFill />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vIconToggle } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const selected = ref(false);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/icon-toggle.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/icon-toggle.scss"; // old node version

Icon toggle follow icon styling.

Jalaali Date Picker

Create jalaali date picker input.

Caution: you must install vue3-persian-datetime-picker and register component as v3-datetime-picker to make date picker work!

Note: you must set picker color using color option on register time or color property.

  <vJalaaliPicker v-model="jalaali" type="datetime" />
  <br />
  <vJalaaliPicker v-model="jalaali" :icon="true">
    <template #icon="{ show }">
      <div class="button is-primary" @click="show()">Select</div>
  <br />
  <vJalaaliPicker v-model="jalaalies" :range="true" clear="CLS" />
  <br />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vJalaaliPicker } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const jalaali = ref();
const jalaalies = ref([]);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/jalaali-picker.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/jalaali-picker.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
rtl Boolean make input layout rtl
range Boolean allow select date range
multiple Boolean allow select multiple date
icon Boolean make action date picker (no input field) date
inputMode String input mode, default to numeric
colorClass String set elements color (icon, input, button), default to primary
placeholder String input placeholder text
clear String set clear button title and enable clearing from dialog
closeOnClear Boolean close date picker by clear button
editable Boolean allow edit , default false

Note: this component accept all vue3-persian-datetime-picker properties.

Jalaali picker component have following slots:

    <!-- only in non-icon mode for add extra content to input -->
    <template #input="{ show, clear }"></template>
    <!-- input calendar icon in non-icon and action icon in icon mode -->
    <template #input="{ show }"></template>


options component. You can set default slot to change default item template.

  <vOptions :items="items" v-model="item">
    <template #default="{ item, disabled }">
      {{ item == "first" ? "1th" : item == "second" ? "2th" : item }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vOptions } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const items = ref(["first", "second", "third"]);
const item = ref("");

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/options.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/options.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
items Array List of items
identifier String id field of item, empty identifier for non-object items
disabled Boolean disabled state
multiple Boolean allow multiple selection

Options component have following classes:

  • is-gapless: remove item gaps.
  • is-{gap}-gaped: set options gap to registered iterable gaps.
  • is-{color}: set options color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
gaps list of non-iterable gaps to include in option gaps ()


Pagination component. You can fill default slot for change template of empty pagination.

  <vPagination :count="5" :total="23" v-model="page"> No Records </vPagination>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vPagination } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const page = ref(0);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/pagination.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/pagination.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
count number number of pagination buttons
total number total page count

pagination component have following classes:

  • is-flat: remove paginator border and paddings.
  • is-disabled: disable pagination component.
  • is-rounded: make page buttons corner round.
  • is-{color}: set pagination color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
colors list of non-iterable colors to include in pagination colors ()


Pie chart component. You can fill default slot to set label content.

  <vPie :percent="75" class="is-primary">
    <span>Interaction percent</span>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vPie } from "@termehui/vtermeh";

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/pie.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/pie.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
percent number chart fill percent

pie component have following classes:

  • is-{color}: set pie color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
sizes list of pie sizes ("small" 10em, "medium" 20em) ()
colors list of non-iterable colors to include in pie colors ()

Simple Pagination

Simple pagination component. You can fill default slot for change template of empty pagination. pagination contains prev-icon and next-icon slots to change pagination icons.

  <vSimplePagination :total="23" v-model="page" next="Go Next" prev="Go Prev">
    <template #prev-icon>...</template>
    <template #next-icon>...</template>
    <template #default> No Records </template>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vPagination } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const page = ref(0);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/simple-pagination.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/simple-pagination.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
total Number total page count
prev String prev button text
next String next button text

pagination component have following classes:

  • is-disabled: disable pagination component.
  • is-{color}: set pagination color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
colors list of non-iterable colors to include in pagination colors ()


Tab component.

  <vTab class="is-large-padded is-primary" v-model:tab="tab" animation="slide">
    <template #tabs="{ style }">
      <div class="tab" :class="style('A')" @click="tab = 'A'">A</div>
      <div class="tab" :class="style('B')" @click="tab = 'B'">B</div>
      <div class="tab" :class="style('C')" @click="tab = 'C'">C</div>
    <template #A>A Content</template>
    <template #B>B Content</template>
    <template #C>C Content</template>
Property Type Description
animation String tab animation. contains slide animation by default. custom animation style must defined
tab String active tab name

tab component have following events:

Property Description
changed called when tab changed and animation completed

tab component have following classes:

  • is-centered: center aligned tab content.
  • is-paddingless: remove tab content padding.
  • is-{gap}-padded: set tab content padding.
  • is-{color}: set tab header color.
variable description default
gaps list of non-iterable gaps to include in tab gaps ()
colors list of non-iterable colors to include in tab colors ()


Create optimized tile layout.

Caution: if your content size changed you must call update() method on tile component.

  <vTile ref="el" class="is-large-gaped" :horizontalOrder="false">
    <div class="tile is-2">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
    <div class="tile">...</div>
Property Type Description
rtl Boolean generate rtl layout
horizontalOrder Boolean lays out items to (mostly) maintain horizontal order
originTop Boolean attach items to top

tile component have following classes:

  • is-{gap}-gaped: set tile items gap to registered iterable gaps.
  • is-{column}: set tile item width to column. e.g. tile is-2
variable description default
columns tiles column count 3
gaps list of non-iterable gaps to include in tile gaps ()


Toggle component. You can fill default slot to change label content.

  <vToggle :disabled="false" v-model="isEnabled">Reporting Service</vToggle>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vToggle } from "@termehui/vtermeh";
const isEnabled = ref(true);

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/toggle.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/toggle.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
disabled boolean disable toggle control

toggle component have following classes:

  • is-rounded: make page buttons corner round.
  • is-{color}: set toggle color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
colors list of non-iterable colors to include in toggle colors ()


Persian currency (تومان) component with icon.

  <vToman :value="1200000" class="is-primary" />
    <vToman :value="9310500" class="is-error" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { vToman } from "@termehui/vtermeh";

<style lang="scss">
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/toman.scss";
@import "@termehui/vtermeh/dist/toman.scss"; // old node version
Property Type Description
items Array List of items
disabled Boolean disabled state
failed Boolean failed state (error)
identifier String id field of item, empty identifier for non-object items

Toman component have following classes:

  • is-{color}: set toman color to registered iterable colors.
variable description default
sizes list of non-iterable sizes to include in choose sizes ()