These are the exercise files used for Quantum Machine Learning with Tensorflow Quantum course.
The course outline can be found in
Topic 1: Introduction to Quantum Computing
- What is Quantum Computer
- History of Quantum Computing
- What is Qubit
- Superposition of Single Qubit
- Entanglement of Multiple Qubits
- Measurement and Copenhagen Interpretation
- Applications of Quantum Computer
- Quantum Decoherence
- Commercial Quantum Computers
- Quantum Supremacy
- Quantum Computing Simulators
Topic 2: Quantum Gates & Circuits
- Qubit and Bloch Sphere
- Pauli Gates
- Hadamard Gate and Superposition
- Rotation Gates
- Controlled-NOT Gate and Entanglement
- Toffoli Gate
- Phase Kickback
Topic 3: Tensorflow Quantum
- Overview of Tensorflow Quantum
- Basic Cirq Operations
Topic 4: Quantum Machine Learning
- Overview of Tensorflow Machine Learning
- Build a Hybrid Quantum Classical Neural Network Model