Fetch a random image from Unsplash using a search query and add custom text to the image.
To run the script, run this command.
python3 scripts/generate-wishes.py 'birthday' 'UNSPLASH_KEY' 'SENDER_NAME' 'birthday.csv'
python3 scripts/generate-wishes.py 'anniversary' 'UNSPLASH_KEY' 'SENDER_NAME' 'Happy anniversary!!!'
Sample Pipeline Script
- Install requirements
- Get a random image from Unsplash
- Add text to the downloaded image
- Upload to Slack
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string defaultValue: 'Testing Chief', description: 'Sender name', name: 'SENDER', trim: true
string defaultValue: 'birthday', description: 'Search query', name: 'SEARCH', trim: true
string defaultValue: ' ', description: 'Custom message', name: 'MESSAGE'
stages {
stage('git') {
steps {
git branch: 'main', url: 'https://github.com/testingchief/auto-generate-wishes.git'
stage('install-reqs') {
steps {
sh 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
stage('generate-image') {
steps {
sh "python3 scripts/generate-wishes.py '${params.SEARCH}' '${params.UNSPLASH_KEY}' '${params.SENDER}' '${params.MESSAGE}'"
stage('upload-image-to-slack') {
steps {
slackUploadFile filePath: 'images/wish.png', credentialId: 'xxx', initialComment: 'auto-generated image for the day!'