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Sample android app using tesptress android native sdk to play videos

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Sample android app

Sample android app using tesptress android native sdk to play videos

Add testpress maven repo to app module's build.gradle

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""

Add player dependency to app project build.gradle

// Use the latest version available for integration.

// To integrate the TPStreams player
implementation 'com.tpstreams.player:player:3.0.20'

// If you're already using Exo Player in youe project, you can still integrate TPStreams Player with below implimentation.

// To integrate the TPStreams player
implementation 'com.tpstreams.player:player:2.0.20'

Enable Java 8 support

You also need to ensure Java 8 support is enabled by adding the following block to each of your app module's build.gradle file inside the android block:

compileOptions {
    sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

Using ProGuard

-keep class com.tpstream.player.** { *; }
