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Zaptor edited this page Dec 5, 2022 · 17 revisions

Welcome to some of TETR.IO's Frequently Asked Questions! First pioneered with the aid of Discord user Tenchi and his initial request for one on the official TETR.IO Discord server, the various FAQs available expanded in scope drastically.

Other Resources

Of course, this FAQ cannot hope to answer every question on its own(although we do accept contributions, read on), so if something in here doesn't answer your question, check these other resources I, ZaptorZap, frequently link to:

And some other more general resources I'll link to even in this FAQ later on:

Foreword/meta FAQ

Why link to this overdetailed wiki people "won't read" when an answer as simple as "check account settings" suits most "how do i change pfp" questions?

My primary concern is proactive answers—answers to questions that haven't been asked yet. These questions might not even come from the same individual you were initially answering. Yes, I've had my own lurker phase too, and we should know they exist. Show some courtesy to your lurkers, folks!

Anyways, picture this: that same individual then trips TETR.IO's builtin NSFW detection, and wonders if they can get around the measure entirely. With a simple answer like yours, they'll be forced to go right back to you and ask a slightly more complicated question with many nuances. This FAQ, though? It covers that directly underneath instructions on how to change your profile picture. Maybe this individual will glance at the TOC on the right, and then get instructions for entirely unrelated background changing—another thing they've been idly wondering about. This overarching leitmotief of attention to detail for correct answers is important to me, and across over forty FAQ entries, I don't believe I've personally had to answer many follow-up questions after .f gets invoked.

.f is another large reason this FAQ is paramount to my efficiency at answering frequently asked questions on the TETR.IO discord server. That said, it's not as though the wiki's untraversable without it. Even saying "use ccw twice", a phrase consisting of thirteen symbols, is more lengthy and less detailed for you and them than typing out ".f zspins", which leads to a section with multiple illustrated .gif files. Illustrations in general are another large reason this FAQ medium is superior to inline Discord answers.

So, all in all, not only is it easier for you as a question answerer to use these resources, but, more often than not, it'll have more quality thanks to well prepared media embedded within rich rendered wiki pages and it will be speedier to refer to, even if you're not using a bot. Just train your memory, and use Firefox or Chrome's omnibox for smart auto completions.

When I say overdetailed, I really mean it. I can explain DAS and ARR faster than your FAQ takes to explain SDF alone. Are you going to shorten these sections anytime soon?

Yes, this is something people've brought to my attention before, and it's an issue I don't take particular offense towards. I (overtly optimistically) assume that players have already read the ingame tooltips which explain handling in much less depth and descriptive language, such that they need a more detailed explanation to understand the mechanics. Across the FAQ, I tend to have a "better more detailed than not detailed enough" mentality, although I understand that there's a certain line of verbosity I frequently cross.

Why is this whole section written in the first person?

As of writing, the FAQ was a personal project of mine @ It has since been merged with the official TETR.IO Github organization, so I feel the need to specifically note that the opinions described here are of ZaptorZap's and not of the TETR.IO programmers.

Table of Contents

Please feel free to expand all pages to the right, or take a look at this extended table of contents below to get around. If you're already used to the bb shorthands to move around, or, would like to use them with the .f command, I've included them in this list:


Well, I didn't just make this open source because I absolutely had to. I'm accepting contributions from you, the reader, if you have good ideas or the good writing to make them happen for me. Contributing's a piece of cake, even if you don't have a Github account.

Contribution information

Contributing made easy (for you)

As of writing, I believe the chances are greater than 70% that you're here because someone directly led you here. If that someone happens to be the maintainer of this project, and you have ideas for it, be it a new question, or errors contained in the various texts, perhaps let him know directly by doing what all users uncontrollably do: asking questions frequently. Of course, you're advised to ensure your question isn't already answered by a slightly more extensive search of this FAQ, or the many other directly linked pages, first.

Simple prompts coming my way work well, but txt documents supporting Github flavored markdown are just as easily integrated. As of now, attribution happens through named folders within the repository itself, so I can define arbitraty usernames without hassle. If you do happen to have a Github account, though...

Contributing made slightly harder

By far the best way to attribute to yourself, and make things a bit less of a hassle on my end, would be following the standard proceedure for code additions to any Github: forking the project, adding your Github flavored .md files to a folder named after none other than yourself, and then submitting a pull request with myself at the main branch.

From there, your submission will go through minimal classification to try and slot it in with the rest of the FAQs naturally, as well as some tense peer review for quality control regarding grammar, formatting, and continuity.(I'm gonna be honest with you, I hold this kind of writing to a high standard and get really defensive when it gets edited) If it's all good, I should have it up on the main wiki within the day you submit your pull request.(no warranties attached, though...)


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