#Fifty comedies and tragedies written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen ; all in one volume, published by the authors original copies, the songs to each play being added. Plays. Selections#
##Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1616.## Fifty comedies and tragedies written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen ; all in one volume, published by the authors original copies, the songs to each play being added. Plays. Selections Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1616.
##General Summary##
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Major revisions
- 2011-08 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
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- 2011-11 Louis Goldberg Sampled and proofread
- 2011-11 Louis Goldberg Text and markup reviewed and edited
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##Content Summary##
#####Front##### 1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do you remember the brown sult, which you made to hang upon you, till all your friends cried sha _ Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.
_ To Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then living.)
_ On Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then newly Dead.)
_ On Mr. BEAUMONT. (VVritten thirty years ſince, preſently after his Death.)
_ Upon the Report of the printing of the Dramatical Poems of Mr. JOHN FLETCHER, collected before, and now ſet forth in one Volume.
_ Mr. JOHN FLETCHER his Dramatical works now at laſt printed.
_ On the Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, now at length printed.
_ On the happy Collection of Mr. FLETCHER'S Works, never before printed.
_ On the Edition of Mr. Francis Beaumont's, and Mr. John Fletcher's Plays never printed before.
_ On the Edition.
FIFTY COMEDIES AND TRAGEDIES.Written by FRANCIS BEAUMONT ANDJOHN FLETCHER, Gentlemen.All in one Volu1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do you remember the brown sult, which you made to hang upon you, till all your friends cried sha _ Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.
_ To Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then living.)
_ On Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then newly Dead.)
_ On Mr. BEAUMONT. (VVritten thirty years ſince, preſently after his Death.)
_ Upon the Report of the printing of the Dramatical Poems of Mr. JOHN FLETCHER, collected before, and now ſet forth in one Volume.
_ Mr. JOHN FLETCHER his Dramatical works now at laſt printed.
_ On the Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, now at length printed.
_ On the happy Collection of Mr. FLETCHER'S Works, never before printed.
_ On the Edition of Mr. Francis Beaumont's, and Mr. John Fletcher's Plays never printed before.
_ On the Edition.
THE BOOK-SELLERS TO THE READER. 1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do you remember the brown sult, which you made to hang upon you, till all your friends cried sha _ Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.
_ To Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then living.)
_ On Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then newly Dead.)
_ On Mr. BEAUMONT. (VVritten thirty years ſince, preſently after his Death.)
_ Upon the Report of the printing of the Dramatical Poems of Mr. JOHN FLETCHER, collected before, and now ſet forth in one Volume.
_ Mr. JOHN FLETCHER his Dramatical works now at laſt printed.
_ On the Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, now at length printed.
_ On the happy Collection of Mr. FLETCHER'S Works, never before printed.
_ On the Edition of Mr. Francis Beaumont's, and Mr. John Fletcher's Plays never printed before.
_ On the Edition. Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.FLETCHER, to thee, we do not only oweAll theſe good Plays, but thoſe 1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do you remember the brown sult, which you made to hang upon you, till all your friends cried sha _ Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.
_ To Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then living.)
_ On Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then newly Dead.)
_ On Mr. BEAUMONT. (VVritten thirty years ſince, preſently after his Death.)
_ Upon the Report of the printing of the Dramatical Poems of Mr. JOHN FLETCHER, collected before, and now ſet forth in one Volume.
_ Mr. JOHN FLETCHER his Dramatical works now at laſt printed.
_ On the Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, now at length printed.
_ On the happy Collection of Mr. FLETCHER'S Works, never before printed.
_ On the Edition of Mr. Francis Beaumont's, and Mr. John Fletcher's Plays never printed before.
_ On the Edition.
A CATALOGUE Of all the COMEDIES and TRAGEDIES Contained in this BOOK, in the ſame Order as Printed. 1076 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Comedies and Tragedies, imperfect, 1679; and others 6 vol.〈…〉"Do you remember the brown sult, which you made to hang upon you, till all your friends cried sha _ Upon Mr. JOHN FLETCHER'S Plays.
_ To Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then living.)
_ On Mr. FRANCIS BEAUMONT (Then newly Dead.)
_ On Mr. BEAUMONT. (VVritten thirty years ſince, preſently after his Death.)
_ Upon the Report of the printing of the Dramatical Poems of Mr. JOHN FLETCHER, collected before, and now ſet forth in one Volume.
_ Mr. JOHN FLETCHER his Dramatical works now at laſt printed.
_ On the Works of Beaumont and Fletcher, now at length printed.
_ On the happy Collection of Mr. FLETCHER'S Works, never before printed.
_ On the Edition of Mr. Francis Beaumont's, and Mr. John Fletcher's Plays never printed before.
_ On the Edition.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
PHILASTER OR, Love lies a Bleeding.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
A KING, and no KING.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Cuſtom of the Country.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Humourous Lieutenant, A TRAGI-COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Faithful Shepherdeſs.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
To my Friend Maſter JOHN FLETCHER upon his Faithfull Shepherdeſs.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
To the worthy Author Mr. Jo. FLETCHER.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
This Dialogue newly added, was ſpoken by way of Prologue to both their Majeſties, at the firſt acting of this Paſtoral at Somerſethouſe on Twelfth-night, 1633.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
Rule a Wife, and have a Wife.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Laws of Candy. A TRAGI-COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Little French Lawyer. A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
Monſieur Thomas. A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
TO THE NOBLE HONOURER OF THE Dead Author's Works and Memory, Maſter CHARLES COTTON.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Bloody Brother; OR, ROLLO. A TRAGEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Wild-Gooſe Chaſe; A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
A Wife for a Month; A TRAGI-COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE PROPHETESS. A Tragical Hiſtory.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Queen of Corinth, A TRAGI-COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Knight of the Burning Peſtle.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
Loves Pilgramage, a Comedy.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
THE Maid in the Mill. A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Knight of Malta.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
Loves Cure, or the Martial Maid A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
Wit at ſeveral weapons. A COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Fair Maid of the Inn. A TRAGI-COMEDY.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play. The principal Actors were,Joſeph Taylor.William Egleſtone.Nicholas Toolie.Richard Sharpe.John Lowin. _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. Perſons Repreſented in the Play.De-Gard, A Noble ſtay'd Gentleman that being newly lighted from his _ The Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ To the Readers of this COMEDY.
_ The PROLOGUE. The Actors Names.The Prologue.Then a Citizen.The Citizens wife, and Ralph her man, ſitting below amiEnter Prologue.FRrom all that's near the Court, from all that's greatWithin the compaſs of the City- _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Epilogus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus IV.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ A PROLOGUE At the reviving of this PLAY.
_ Actus Primus,
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus V.
_ The Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus. The Actors Names.Tom Lurcher,Jack Wild-brainGentlemen.Juſtice Algripe.Frank Hartlove.Toby.Servants.S _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The Principal Actors were
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Epilogue at the reviving of this Play.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertii.
_ Actus Quarti
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ The PROLOGUE at the reviving of this Play.
_ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus. Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play. The princinal Actors wereNathan Field,Rob. Benfield,Emanuel Read,Joſeph Taylor,Will. Egleſtone,Thoma _ Actus Primus.
_ Actus Secundi
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Perſons repreſented in the Play.
_ FOUR PLAYS OR Moral Repreſentations IN ONE.
The Two Noble Kinſmen.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ The Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Another Prologue for the Cuſtom of the Country.
_ The Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Seundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus quarius.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue, Spoke by the Lieutenant.
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ The principal Actors were,
_ Actus primus.
_ Actus Secundus.
_ Actus Tertius.
_ Actus Quartus.
_ Actus Quintus.
_ Prologue.
_ Epilogue.
_ Perſons Repreſented in the Play.
_ Th