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#Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K Tropologia. Book 4.#

##Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.## Troposchēmalogia: Tropes and figures; or, A treatise of the metaphors, allegories, and express similitudes, &c. contained in the Bible of the Old and New Testament To which is prefixed, divers arguments to prove the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures wherein also 'tis largely evinced, that by the great whore, mystery Babylon is meant the Papal hierarchy, or present state and church of Rome. Philologia sacra, the second part. Wherein the schemes, or figures in Scripture, are reduced under their proper heads, with a brief explication of each. Together with a treatise of types, parables, &c. with an improvement of them parallel-wise. By B. K Tropologia. Book 4. Keach, Benjamin, 1640-1704.

##General Summary##


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  1. 2013-08 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2013-10 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2014-01 Ali Jakobson Sampled and proofread
  4. 2014-01 Ali Jakobson Text and markup reviewed and edited
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##Content Summary##

#####Front##### ΤΡΟΠΟΣΧΗΜΑΛΟΓΙ'Α: Tropes and Figures; OR, A TREATISE OF The Metaphors, Allegories, and expreſs Simil


  2. A TABLE OF The Heads of thoſe Metaphors, Similes, borrowed Terms, Types, Figures, and other chief Things, inſiſted upon in this Book.

  3. ERRATA.


  1. Tropes and Figures; OR, A TREATISE of the METAPHORS, ALLEGORIES, TYPES, &c. contained in the Holy Bible of the Old and New Teſtament.

    _ The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures aſſerted and vindicated, and the groundleſs Cavils againſt the ſame detected and confuted.

    _ BOOK IV. THE Fifth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, With other borrowed Terms, Reſpecting the Graces of the Holy-Spirit, AND THE Bleſſed Ordinances of the Goſpel.

    _ THE Sixth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, And other Borrowed TERMS, Mentioned in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, Relating to the Holy Angels of GOD, AND THE Soul & Spirit of Man, Wherein the Nature, Order, Office, and Miniſtration of Angels is opened.

    _ THE Seventh HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, Relating to the Church of GOD.

    _ THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect MEN. I. Of Men in general.II. Of the Godly, or good Men.III. Of Sinners, or wicked Men.

    _ THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect I. The true Miniſters of the Goſpel.II. Falſe Miniſters.III. Falſe Churches.

    _ THE Tenth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, Similes, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING Sin and the Devil.

    _ THE Eleventh HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The Means of Grace, Providence and Affliction.

    _ THE Twelfth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The VVorld, the Life of Man, AND THE Four Laſt Things,

    _ Adam a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Noah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Melchiſedeck a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Abraham a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Iſaac a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob's Ladder, Gen. 28. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſeph a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Moſes a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſhua a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Sampſon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ David a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Solomon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Eliſha a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jonah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Zerubbabel a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Aaron a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The High Prieſt a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Tabernacle, and what it was the Type of.

    _ The Veil of the Holieſt, Exod. 26.31. and what it figured forth.

    _ The Ark a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Mercy-Seat, Exod. 25.17. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Table of Shew-Bread, a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Candleſtick a Type of Chriſt, and of his Myſtical Body.

    _ The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30.1. to 13. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Altar of Burnt-Offering, Exod. 27.1. to 9. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Brazen Laver, Exod. 30.18. to 25. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Sacrifice of Beaſts a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Burnt-Offering of Fowls, Levit. 1.14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Daily Sacrifice a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Sin-Offering a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Meat-Offering, Lev. 2. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Peace-Offering, and what it was a Type of, Levit. 3.

    _ The Solemn Yearly Sacrifice of the Bullock and He-Goat, a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 16.

    _ The Scape-Goat a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 10.20, &c.

    _ The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Numb. 19. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Circumciſion, what it was a Type of.

    _ The Rock which was ſmitten, out of which came Water, Exod. 17. was a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. 14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud.

    _ The Paſſeover a Type of Chriſt.

    _ CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a Paronomaſia.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Antanaclaſis.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logiſm.

    _ CHAP. V. Of an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, (Eroteſis) or Interrogation.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogiſm.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications.

    _ Article I. Of the Definition of a Type.

    _ Article II. Of the Diviſion of Types.

    _ Article III. Of Prophetical Types, and Typical and Symbolical Actions.

    _ Article IV. Of Prophetical and Typical Viſions.

    _ Article V. Of an Hiſtorical Type, and its firſt Diviſion.

    _ Article VI. Other Diviſions of an Hiſtorical Type.

    _ Article VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types.

    _ 2. The Nature and Definition of a Parable.

  2. Moſes's Vail removed: OR, A TREATISE OF TYPES.

    _ The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures aſſerted and vindicated, and the groundleſs Cavils againſt the ſame detected and confuted.

    _ BOOK IV. THE Fifth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, With other borrowed Terms, Reſpecting the Graces of the Holy-Spirit, AND THE Bleſſed Ordinances of the Goſpel.

    _ THE Sixth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, And other Borrowed TERMS, Mentioned in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, Relating to the Holy Angels of GOD, AND THE Soul & Spirit of Man, Wherein the Nature, Order, Office, and Miniſtration of Angels is opened.

    _ THE Seventh HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, Relating to the Church of GOD.

    _ THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect MEN. I. Of Men in general.II. Of the Godly, or good Men.III. Of Sinners, or wicked Men.

    _ THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect I. The true Miniſters of the Goſpel.II. Falſe Miniſters.III. Falſe Churches.

    _ THE Tenth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, Similes, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING Sin and the Devil.

    _ THE Eleventh HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The Means of Grace, Providence and Affliction.

    _ THE Twelfth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The VVorld, the Life of Man, AND THE Four Laſt Things,

    _ Adam a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Noah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Melchiſedeck a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Abraham a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Iſaac a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob's Ladder, Gen. 28. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſeph a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Moſes a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſhua a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Sampſon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ David a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Solomon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Eliſha a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jonah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Zerubbabel a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Aaron a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The High Prieſt a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Tabernacle, and what it was the Type of.

    _ The Veil of the Holieſt, Exod. 26.31. and what it figured forth.

    _ The Ark a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Mercy-Seat, Exod. 25.17. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Table of Shew-Bread, a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Candleſtick a Type of Chriſt, and of his Myſtical Body.

    _ The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30.1. to 13. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Altar of Burnt-Offering, Exod. 27.1. to 9. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Brazen Laver, Exod. 30.18. to 25. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Sacrifice of Beaſts a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Burnt-Offering of Fowls, Levit. 1.14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Daily Sacrifice a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Sin-Offering a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Meat-Offering, Lev. 2. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Peace-Offering, and what it was a Type of, Levit. 3.

    _ The Solemn Yearly Sacrifice of the Bullock and He-Goat, a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 16.

    _ The Scape-Goat a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 10.20, &c.

    _ The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Numb. 19. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Circumciſion, what it was a Type of.

    _ The Rock which was ſmitten, out of which came Water, Exod. 17. was a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. 14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud.

    _ The Paſſeover a Type of Chriſt.

    _ CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a Paronomaſia.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Antanaclaſis.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logiſm.

    _ CHAP. V. Of an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, (Eroteſis) or Interrogation.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogiſm.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications.

    _ Article I. Of the Definition of a Type.

    _ Article II. Of the Diviſion of Types.

    _ Article III. Of Prophetical Types, and Typical and Symbolical Actions.

    _ Article IV. Of Prophetical and Typical Viſions.

    _ Article V. Of an Hiſtorical Type, and its firſt Diviſion.

    _ Article VI. Other Diviſions of an Hiſtorical Type.

    _ Article VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types.

    _ 2. The Nature and Definition of a Parable.

  3. Philologia Sacra. The Second Part: WHEREIN The SCHEMES or FIGURES in Scripture are reduced under their proper HEADS, with a Brief Explication of Each: Together with A TREATISE OF The TYPES, PARABLES, ALLEGORIES, &c. in the Old and New Teſtament.

    _ The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures aſſerted and vindicated, and the groundleſs Cavils againſt the ſame detected and confuted.

    _ BOOK IV. THE Fifth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, With other borrowed Terms, Reſpecting the Graces of the Holy-Spirit, AND THE Bleſſed Ordinances of the Goſpel.

    _ THE Sixth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, And other Borrowed TERMS, Mentioned in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, Relating to the Holy Angels of GOD, AND THE Soul & Spirit of Man, Wherein the Nature, Order, Office, and Miniſtration of Angels is opened.

    _ THE Seventh HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, Relating to the Church of GOD.

    _ THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect MEN. I. Of Men in general.II. Of the Godly, or good Men.III. Of Sinners, or wicked Men.

    _ THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect I. The true Miniſters of the Goſpel.II. Falſe Miniſters.III. Falſe Churches.

    _ THE Tenth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, Similes, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING Sin and the Devil.

    _ THE Eleventh HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The Means of Grace, Providence and Affliction.

    _ THE Twelfth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The VVorld, the Life of Man, AND THE Four Laſt Things,

    _ Adam a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Noah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Melchiſedeck a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Abraham a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Iſaac a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob's Ladder, Gen. 28. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſeph a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Moſes a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſhua a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Sampſon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ David a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Solomon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Eliſha a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jonah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Zerubbabel a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Aaron a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The High Prieſt a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Tabernacle, and what it was the Type of.

    _ The Veil of the Holieſt, Exod. 26.31. and what it figured forth.

    _ The Ark a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Mercy-Seat, Exod. 25.17. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Table of Shew-Bread, a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Candleſtick a Type of Chriſt, and of his Myſtical Body.

    _ The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30.1. to 13. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Altar of Burnt-Offering, Exod. 27.1. to 9. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Brazen Laver, Exod. 30.18. to 25. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Sacrifice of Beaſts a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Burnt-Offering of Fowls, Levit. 1.14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Daily Sacrifice a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Sin-Offering a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Meat-Offering, Lev. 2. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Peace-Offering, and what it was a Type of, Levit. 3.

    _ The Solemn Yearly Sacrifice of the Bullock and He-Goat, a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 16.

    _ The Scape-Goat a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 10.20, &c.

    _ The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Numb. 19. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Circumciſion, what it was a Type of.

    _ The Rock which was ſmitten, out of which came Water, Exod. 17. was a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. 14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud.

    _ The Paſſeover a Type of Chriſt.

    _ CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a Paronomaſia.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Antanaclaſis.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logiſm.

    _ CHAP. V. Of an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, (Eroteſis) or Interrogation.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogiſm.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications.

    _ Article I. Of the Definition of a Type.

    _ Article II. Of the Diviſion of Types.

    _ Article III. Of Prophetical Types, and Typical and Symbolical Actions.

    _ Article IV. Of Prophetical and Typical Viſions.

    _ Article V. Of an Hiſtorical Type, and its firſt Diviſion.

    _ Article VI. Other Diviſions of an Hiſtorical Type.

    _ Article VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types.

    _ 2. The Nature and Definition of a Parable.

  4. A TREATISE Of all the TYPES, PARABLES and ALLEGORIES of the Old and New-Teſtament, with the Expoſitions of the Learned upon ſuch as are obſcure, &c.

    _ The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures aſſerted and vindicated, and the groundleſs Cavils againſt the ſame detected and confuted.

    _ BOOK IV. THE Fifth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, With other borrowed Terms, Reſpecting the Graces of the Holy-Spirit, AND THE Bleſſed Ordinances of the Goſpel.

    _ THE Sixth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, And other Borrowed TERMS, Mentioned in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, Relating to the Holy Angels of GOD, AND THE Soul & Spirit of Man, Wherein the Nature, Order, Office, and Miniſtration of Angels is opened.

    _ THE Seventh HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, Relating to the Church of GOD.

    _ THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect MEN. I. Of Men in general.II. Of the Godly, or good Men.III. Of Sinners, or wicked Men.

    _ THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect I. The true Miniſters of the Goſpel.II. Falſe Miniſters.III. Falſe Churches.

    _ THE Tenth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, Similes, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING Sin and the Devil.

    _ THE Eleventh HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The Means of Grace, Providence and Affliction.

    _ THE Twelfth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The VVorld, the Life of Man, AND THE Four Laſt Things,

    _ Adam a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Noah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Melchiſedeck a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Abraham a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Iſaac a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob's Ladder, Gen. 28. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſeph a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Moſes a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſhua a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Sampſon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ David a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Solomon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Eliſha a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jonah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Zerubbabel a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Aaron a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The High Prieſt a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Tabernacle, and what it was the Type of.

    _ The Veil of the Holieſt, Exod. 26.31. and what it figured forth.

    _ The Ark a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Mercy-Seat, Exod. 25.17. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Table of Shew-Bread, a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Candleſtick a Type of Chriſt, and of his Myſtical Body.

    _ The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30.1. to 13. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Altar of Burnt-Offering, Exod. 27.1. to 9. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Brazen Laver, Exod. 30.18. to 25. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Sacrifice of Beaſts a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Burnt-Offering of Fowls, Levit. 1.14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Daily Sacrifice a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Sin-Offering a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Meat-Offering, Lev. 2. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Peace-Offering, and what it was a Type of, Levit. 3.

    _ The Solemn Yearly Sacrifice of the Bullock and He-Goat, a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 16.

    _ The Scape-Goat a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 10.20, &c.

    _ The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Numb. 19. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Circumciſion, what it was a Type of.

    _ The Rock which was ſmitten, out of which came Water, Exod. 17. was a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. 14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud.

    _ The Paſſeover a Type of Chriſt.

    _ CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a Paronomaſia.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Antanaclaſis.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logiſm.

    _ CHAP. V. Of an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, (Eroteſis) or Interrogation.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogiſm.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications.

    _ Article I. Of the Definition of a Type.

    _ Article II. Of the Diviſion of Types.

    _ Article III. Of Prophetical Types, and Typical and Symbolical Actions.

    _ Article IV. Of Prophetical and Typical Viſions.

    _ Article V. Of an Hiſtorical Type, and its firſt Diviſion.

    _ Article VI. Other Diviſions of an Hiſtorical Type.

    _ Article VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types.

    _ 2. The Nature and Definition of a Parable.

  5. OF PARABLES. Wherein ſhall be given (1.) the Definition of the Word, and Thing. (2.) Its Diviſion. (3.) Canons reſpecting it.

    _ The Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures aſſerted and vindicated, and the groundleſs Cavils againſt the ſame detected and confuted.

    _ BOOK IV. THE Fifth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, With other borrowed Terms, Reſpecting the Graces of the Holy-Spirit, AND THE Bleſſed Ordinances of the Goſpel.

    _ THE Sixth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, And other Borrowed TERMS, Mentioned in the SACRED SCRIPTURES, Relating to the Holy Angels of GOD, AND THE Soul & Spirit of Man, Wherein the Nature, Order, Office, and Miniſtration of Angels is opened.

    _ THE Seventh HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, Relating to the Church of GOD.

    _ THE Eighth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect MEN. I. Of Men in general.II. Of the Godly, or good Men.III. Of Sinners, or wicked Men.

    _ THE Ninth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, and Similes, WITH Other Borrowed TERMS, That reſpect I. The true Miniſters of the Goſpel.II. Falſe Miniſters.III. Falſe Churches.

    _ THE Tenth HEAD OF Metaphors, Allegories, Similes, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING Sin and the Devil.

    _ THE Eleventh HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The Means of Grace, Providence and Affliction.

    _ THE Twelfth HEAD OF METAPHORS, SIMILES, AND Other Borrowed TERMS, CONCERNING The VVorld, the Life of Man, AND THE Four Laſt Things,

    _ Adam a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Noah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Melchiſedeck a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Abraham a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Iſaac a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jacob's Ladder, Gen. 28. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſeph a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Moſes a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Joſhua a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Sampſon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ David a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Solomon a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Eliſha a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Jonah a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Zerubbabel a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Aaron a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The High Prieſt a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Tabernacle, and what it was the Type of.

    _ The Veil of the Holieſt, Exod. 26.31. and what it figured forth.

    _ The Ark a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Mercy-Seat, Exod. 25.17. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Table of Shew-Bread, a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Candleſtick a Type of Chriſt, and of his Myſtical Body.

    _ The Altar of Perfume, Exod. 30.1. to 13. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Altar of Burnt-Offering, Exod. 27.1. to 9. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Brazen Laver, Exod. 30.18. to 25. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Sacrifice of Beaſts a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Burnt-Offering of Fowls, Levit. 1.14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Daily Sacrifice a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Sin-Offering a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Meat-Offering, Lev. 2. what it was a Type of.

    _ The Peace-Offering, and what it was a Type of, Levit. 3.

    _ The Solemn Yearly Sacrifice of the Bullock and He-Goat, a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 16.

    _ The Scape-Goat a Type of Chriſt, Levit. 10.20, &c.

    _ The Sacrifice of the Red Heifer, Numb. 19. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ Circumciſion, what it was a Type of.

    _ The Rock which was ſmitten, out of which came Water, Exod. 17. was a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud and Fire, Exod. 14. a Type of Chriſt.

    _ The Pillar of Cloud.

    _ The Paſſeover a Type of Chriſt.

    _ CHAP I. Of the Figures of a Word.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a Paronomaſia.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Antanaclaſis.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Logiſm.

    _ CHAP. V. Of an 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, (Eroteſis) or Interrogation.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Figures of a Sentence in Dialogiſm.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of other Schemes of Sentences and Amplifications.

    _ Article I. Of the Definition of a Type.

    _ Article II. Of the Diviſion of Types.

    _ Article III. Of Prophetical Types, and Typical and Symbolical Actions.

    _ Article IV. Of Prophetical and Typical Viſions.

    _ Article V. Of an Hiſtorical Type, and its firſt Diviſion.

    _ Article VI. Other Diviſions of an Hiſtorical Type.

    _ Article VII. Canons or Rules expounding Types.

    _ 2. The Nature and Definition of a Parable.


  1. AN Alphabetical Table OF THE FOURTH BOOK.

Types of content

  • There are 127 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 683 omitted fragments! @reason (683) : foreign (343), illegible (326), duplicate (14) • @resp (326) : #KEYERS (325), #MURP (1) • @extent (340) : 1 letter (314), 2 letters (12), 1 page (14)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement úùòâàèáûë 250 249 242 226 224 232 225 251 235
Latin Extended-A ēſ 275 383
Latin Extended-B Ʋ 434
Greek ΤΡΟΠΣΧΗΜΑΛΓΙ 932 929 927 928 931 935 919 924 913 923 915 921
GreekandCoptic ΤΡΟΠΣΧΗΜΑΛΓΙ 932 929 927 928 931 935 919 924 913 923 915 921
Hebrew שת 1513 1514
General Punctuation —• 8212 8226
Geometric Shapes 9642
Miscellaneous Symbols ☞☜ 9758 9756
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. author 3
2. availability 1
3. biblFull 1
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5. date 8 @when (1) : 2014-11 (1)
6. edition 1
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20. p 11
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29. seriesStmt 1
30. sourceDesc 1
31. term 6
32. textClass 1
33. title 5
34. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. am 13
2. back 1
3. bibl 339
4. body 1
5. cell 2364 @role (272) : label (272)
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11. epigraph 183
12. ex 13
13. expan 13
14. front 1
15. g 3966 @ref (3966) : char:EOLhyphen (3846), char:abque (13), char:V (84), char:EOLunhyphen (2), char:punc (21)
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(2), tcp:39531:56 (2), tcp:39531:57 (2), tcp:39531:58 (3), tcp:39531:59 (4), tcp:39531:60 (3), tcp:39531:61 (4), tcp:39531:62 (2), tcp:39531:63 (2), tcp:39531:64 (2), tcp:39531:65 (2), tcp:39531:66 (2), tcp:39531:67 (2), tcp:39531:68 (4), tcp:39531:69 (2), tcp:39531:70 (2), tcp:39531:71 (2), tcp:39531:72 (2), tcp:39531:73 (4), tcp:39531:74 (2), tcp:39531:75 (2), tcp:39531:76 (4), tcp:39531:77 (2), tcp:39531:78 (3), tcp:39531:79 (2), tcp:39531:80 (4), tcp:39531:81 (2), tcp:39531:82 (2), tcp:39531:83 (2), tcp:39531:84 (2), tcp:39531:85 (4), tcp:39531:86 (2), tcp:39531:87 (2), tcp:39531:88 (3), tcp:39531:89 (2), tcp:39531:90 (3), tcp:39531:91 (3), tcp:39531:92 (2), tcp:39531:93 (3), tcp:39531:94 (3), tcp:39531:95 (2), tcp:39531:96 (2), tcp:39531:97 (2), tcp:39531:98 (2), tcp:39531:99 (2), tcp:39531:100 (4), tcp:39531:101 (3), tcp:39531:102 (3), tcp:39531:103 (4), tcp:39531:104 (2), tcp:39531:105 (2), tcp:39531:106 (2), tcp:39531:107 (2), tcp:39531:108 (2), tcp:39531:109 (3), tcp:39531:110 (2), tcp:39531:111 (2), tcp:39531:112 (2), tcp:39531:113 (2), tcp:39531:114 (2), tcp:39531:115 (2), tcp:39531:116 (3), tcp:39531:117 (2), tcp:39531:118 (2), tcp:39531:119 (2), tcp:39531:120 (3), tcp:39531:121 (3), tcp:39531:122 (2), tcp:39531:123 (4), tcp:39531:124 (2), tcp:39531:125 (2), tcp:39531:126 (2), tcp:39531:127 (2), tcp:39531:128 (2), tcp:39531:129 (2), tcp:39531:130 (2), tcp:39531:131 (4), tcp:39531:132 (2), tcp:39531:133 (4), tcp:39531:134 (2), tcp:39531:135 (3), tcp:39531:136 (4), tcp:39531:137 (2), tcp:39531:138 (2), tcp:39531:139 (2), tcp:39531:140 (2), tcp:39531:141 (2), tcp:39531:142 (2), tcp:39531:143 (2), tcp:39531:144 (2), tcp:39531:145 (2), tcp:39531:146 (2), tcp:39531:147 (2), tcp:39531:148 (2), tcp:39531:149 (2), tcp:39531:150 (2), tcp:39531:151 (2), tcp:39531:152 (3), tcp:39531:153 (3), tcp:39531:154 (2), tcp:39531:155 (2), tcp:39531:156 (2), tcp:39531:157 (2), tcp:39531:158 (2), tcp:39531:159 (2), tcp:39531:160 (2), tcp:39531:161 (3), tcp:39531:162 (3), 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iii (1), iv (1), v (1), vi (1), vii (1), viii (1), ix (1), x (1), xi (1), xii (1), xiii (1), xiv (1), xv (1), xvi (1), 1 (2), 2 (3), 3 (3), 4 (2), 5 (2), 6 (3), 7 (3), 8 (2), 9 (3), 10 (3), 11 (2), 12 (2), 13 (2), 14 (3), 15 (3), 16 (3), 17 (4), 18 (3), 19 (2), 20 (2), 21 (2), 22 (3), 23 (2), 24 (3), 25 (2), 26 (2), 27 (2), 28 (2), 29 (2), 30 (2), 31 (2), 32 (3), 33 (1), 34 (1), 35 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (1), 41 (3), 42 (2), 43 (2), 44 (2), 45 (2), 46 (3), 47 (3), 48 (2), 49 (1), 50 (1), 51 (1), 52 (2), 53 (1), 54 (1), 55 (1), 56 (1), 57 (1), 58 (2), 59 (2), 60 (1), 61 (1), 62 (1), 63 (1), 64 (1), 65 (1), 66 (1), 67 (1), 68 (1), 69 (1), 70 (1), 71 (1), 72 (1), 73 (1), 74 (1), 75 (1), 76 (1), 77 (1), 78 (1), 79 (1), 80 (1), 81 (1), 82 (1), 83 (1), 84 (1), 85 (1), 86 (1), 87 (2), 88 (2), 89 (2), 90 (2), 91 (1), 92 (2), 93 (2), 94 (1), 95 (1), 96 (1), 97 (1), 98 (1), 99 (1), 100 (1), 101 (1), 102 (1), 103 (1), 104 (1), 105 (1), 106 (2), 107 (2), 108 (1), 109 (1), 110 (1), 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28. q 305
29. row 1183
30. seg 4 @rend (1) : decorInit (1) • @type (3) : milestoneunit (3)
31. signed 2
32. table 108
33. trailer 4


No description, website, or topics provided.






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