If you have already built the TezEdge node from sources, you can skip these steps
Install Rust command (We recommend installing Rust through rustup.)
# Run the following in your terminal, then follow the onscreen instructions. curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Install Rust toolchain (Our releases are built with 1.58.1.)
rustup toolchain install 1.58.1 rustup default 1.58.1
Install required OS libs
sudo apt install openssl libssl-dev build-essential pkg-config
First thing should be reading the included help to help undirstand the options the terminal UI can run with
cargo run --release -- -h
To connect to the default localhost node with default port in the default mode (without baker-address specified):
cargo run --release
If you are running a baking and endorsing stack with the TezEdge node, you can specify your tezos account as baker address
cargo run --release -- --baker-address tz1iFzuDWaP7eKbdBgmcdtz5FAJzDuQqcucm
To connect to our test run with TezEdge and baker/endorser:
cargo run --release -- --node http://mempool.tezedge.com:18732/ --websocket ws://mempool.tezedge.com:4927/ --baker-address tz1Mkb2MQyHnVybEru6iTgTGQaZikyg4fBhr
Test the tezedge tui statemachine
- Record actions
cargo run --release -- --baker-address tz1iFzuDWaP7eKbdBgmcdtz5FAJzDuQqcucm --record-actions
This will create an automaton_dump.json file in the root directory
- Run the test
cargo test -- --nocapture
'F1' - Switch to mempool/endorsements screen
'F2' - Switch to the baking screen
'F10' - quit the application
's' - sort selected column in table
'd' - toggle delta values
'arrow down' - Move down in widgets (tables, lists, etc...)
'arrow up' - Move up in widgets (tables, lists, etc...)
'arrow left' - Move left in widgets (tables, lists, etc...)
'arrow right' - Move right in widgets (tables, lists, etc...)
'Tab' - Rotate widget focus on the current screen