Florian Giroud
Valentin Gabriel
It is recommended to run in this order: the server, the graphical client then the AI.
Launching server:
./zappy_server -p port -x width -y height -n name1 name2 ... -c clientsNb -f freq
- port is the port number
- width is the width of the world
- height is the height of the world
- nameX is the name of the team X
- clientsNb is the number of authorized clients per team
- freq is the reciprocal of time unit for execution of actions
Before launching graphical client:
Launching graphical client:
Graphical commands:
- A: Zoom
- Z: Unzoom
- Arrows: Move on the map
- Left click: Focus on tile
- Right click: Scroll to clicked tile
- Escape: Go back to previous step
- Alt + F4: Close graphical window
Launching AI:
./zappy_ai -p port -n name -h machine
- port is the port number
- name is the name of the team
- machine is the name of the machine; localhost by default
Network Project (C/C++)