- Setup tests for ciphers
- affine
- atbash
- caesar
- keyedSubstitution
- masonic
- playfair
- polybiusSquare
- vigenere
- clean up args in ciphers
- review ciphers + tests and clear up any confusing logic
- affine
- atbash
- caesar
- keyedSubstitution
- masonic (no test required)
- playfair
- polybiusSquare
- vigenere
- Review cipher utils and clean up
- Style general page layout + containers
- Style main input box area
- Style all ciphers
- Style modal / about view
- Style toast
- Update about view content
- affine
- atbash
- caesar
- keyedSubstitution
- masonic
- playfair
- polybiusSquare
- vigenere
- Cleanup / Validated about view content
- affine
- atbash
- caesar
- keyedSubstitution
- masonic
- playfair
- polybiusSquare
- vigenere
- Add unicorn icon
- Add copy icon (make?)
- Add mason font or gliphs
- CSS cleanup
- Add animations on buttons, links, inputs, etc
- Standardize focus styles
- comments
- variables
- simplify styles
- HTML work
- comments
- alt tags and titles
- enter key support
- encode toggle tab / keyboard support
- modal default focus on x (fix bug)
- ciphers group skip tab support(?)
- make modal tabs work correctly
- Research fixed items vue
- [-] (nvm) convert unicorn to pure css
- Verify PWA is working
- Update metadata and site icons
- Setup hosting -- github? Private?
- Add frontend tests
- Index
- About
- Cipher Component
- QA
- various text lengths
- screenreaders
- vision / color
- browserstack
- Make Cipher Validations More robust (stricter input checking)
- affine
- atbash
- caesar
- keyedSubstitution
- masonic
- playfair
- polybiusSquare
- vigenere
- Add modal open / close animation
- see if i can get the focus state to disappear faster (transition bug?)
- move to input + decode action on cipher
- title text on unicorn to (?)
- keep inputs scrolled ot bottom when typing option (?)
- title text on about links
- show popup on enter of invalid keys near the input
- speed up modal (300ms?)
- Investigate foggy netlify replacement (not found; on hold;)
- Change modal close icon from fixed to absolute on close
- Change rendering order, output markdown w/ {{}}, then wrap in
- Add sample run through w/ various outputs for examples
- Change fontsize + lineheight on code samples (get line numbers also?)
- (nvm) test import entire cipher file
- add katex support (and removed)
- add x and checkmark emoji icons
- remove tutorial style code from input (only "fun" text)
- add emoji examples
- improve mobile styling
- close icon styling
- update default text
- increase spacing between sections
- figure out cache-busting with netlify (i dunno how)
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint
npm run test:unit
Unicorn emoji icon from https://github.com/twitter/twemoji