Here's the link to the deployed project on vercel:
This is a repo with two submodules in it.
- One is for the backend code. Not much in there, except for the downsampling algo.
- Second is the frontend code.
s of the corresponding repos (backend and frontend) will be updated asap.
- Clone the two repositories separately
- Follow the instructions on the respective repos'
s for clear steps
Here's a document about the same too:
[x] - Replicate the UI [x] - Downsampling the data
- I was new to it and thanks to this task, I actually read an article or two about it and came to know about the algos generally used, such as Largest Triangle 1 bucket, 3 buckets and dynamic methods. I have included the code for 3 buckets but it wasn't completely my own, I was already running short on time. [x] - Responsive [x] - Sidebar can be expanded and closed as well [x] - All colors properly picked up and used using CSS Variables [x] - There's almost no color arbitratily used, everything's picked from Figma
There are a few inaccuracies still in the project which arised due to some libraries I was using, some tools, and some methodologies like using CSS Grid all throughout.
Here are a few screenshots of the project: