This is a collection of algorithms and data structures which I've implemented from scratch as well as using inbuilt libraries in Java along with some famous Dynamic Programming Problems.
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- Lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Hashtable
- Trees
- Heaps
- Graph Traversal
- Cycle detection
- Find shortest path in a Graph from a starting Vertex
- Topological sort
- Find minimum spanning tree
- Find Strongly Connected Components
- Maximum Flow
- Hard Problems
- Boolean Parenthesization
- Box Stacking
- Coin Change
- Count Binary Strings Without Adjacent Ones
- Edit Distance
- Egg Dropping Puzzle
- Knapsack Problem
- Knight Probability in Chess board
- Longest Bitonic Subsequence
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Longest Palindromic Subsequence
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Maximum Length Chain Pairs
- Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence
- Minimum Jumps to reach End
- Minimum Path Sum
- Optimal Game Strategy
- Pattern Matching
- Shortest Common Supersequence