Created: July 1, 2021 11:29 AM Created By: hu yi Last Edited By: hu yi Last Edited Time: July 10, 2021 9:38 PM
- 查询
- 插入
- 删除
template<typename K, typename V>
class Node{
Node(K k, V v, int);
K get_key() const;
V get_value() const;
void set_value(V);
Node<K, V> **forward;
int node_level;
K key;
V value;
template<typename K, typename V>
Node<K,V>::Node(const K k, const V v, int level){
this->key = k;
this->value = v;
this->node_level = level;
this->forward = new Node<K, V>*[level+1];
memset(this->forward, 0, sizeof(Node<K,V>*)*(level+1));
template<typename K, typename V>
Node<K,V>::~Node() {
delete []forward;
template<typename K, typename V>
Node<K,V>::get_key() const{
return this->key;
template<typename K, typename V>
V Node<K,V>::get_value() const {
return this->value;
template<typename K, typename V>
void Node<K,V>::set_value(V value) {
this->value = value;
template<typename K, typename V>
SkipList<K,V>::SkipList(int max_level) {
this->_max_level = max_level;
this->_element_count = 0;
this->_skip_list_level = 0;
K k;
V v;
this->_header = new Node<K,V>(k, v, _max_level);
template<typename K, typename V>
if (_file_writer.is_open()) {
if (_file_reader.is_open()) {
delete _header;
// Search for element in skip list
| select 60 |
level 4 +-->1+ 100
level 3 1+-------->10+------------------>50+ 70 100
level 2 1 10 30 50| 70 100
level 1 1 4 10 30 50| 70 100
level 0 1 4 9 10 30 40 50+-->60 70 100
template<typename K, typename V>
bool SkipList<K,V>::search_element(K key) {
std::cout<<"Searching element---------"<<std::endl;
Node<K,V>* current = _header;
for(int i = _skip_list_level; i >= 0; i--){
while(current->forward[i] && current->forward[i]->get_key() < key){
current = current->forward[i];
current = current->forward[0];
if(current && current->get_key() == key){
std::cout<<"Find key:"<<current->get_key()<<", value:"<<current->get_value()<<std::endl;
return true;
std::cout << "Not Found Key:" << key << std::endl;
return false;
// Delete element from skip list
template<typename K, typename V>
void SkipList<K,V>::delete_element(K key){
Node<K,V>* current = _header;
Node<K,V>* update[_max_level + 1];
memset(update, 0, sizeof(Node<K,V>*)*(_max_level + 1));
for(int i = _skip_list_level; i >= 0; i--){
while(current->forward[i] && current->forward[i]->get_key() < key){
current = current->forward[i];
update[i] = current;
current = current->forward[0];
if(current && current->get_key() == key) {
// start for lowest level and delete the current node of each level
for (int i = 0; i < _skip_list_level; i++) {
// if at level i, next node is not target node, break the loop.
if (update[i]->forward[i] != current[i]) {
update[i]->forward[i] = current->forward[i];
// Remove levels which have no elements
while (_skip_list_level > 0 && _header->forward[_skip_list_level] == 0) {
std::cout << "Successfully deleted key " << key << std::endl;
// Insert given key and value in skip list
// return 1 means element exists
// return 0 means insert successfully
| insert 50 |
level 4 +-->1+ 100
| insert +----+
level 3 1+-------->10+---------------> | 50 | 70 100
| |
| |
level 2 1 10 30 | 50 | 70 100
| |
| |
level 1 1 4 10 30 | 50 | 70 100
| |
| |
level 0 1 4 9 10 30 40 | 50 | 60 70 100
template<typename K, typename V>
int SkipList<K,V>::insert_element(const K key, const V value){
Node<K, V> *current = this->_header;
// create update array and initialize it
// update is array which put node that the node->forward[i] should be operated later
Node<K, V> *update[_max_level+1];
memset(update, 0, sizeof(Node<K, V>*)*(_max_level+1));
// start form highest level of skip list
for(int i = _skip_list_level; i >= 0; i--) {
while(current->forward[i] != NULL && current->forward[i]->get_key() < key) {
current = current->forward[i];
update[i] = current;
// reached level 0 and forward pointer to right node, which is desired to insert key.
current = current->forward[0];
// if current node have key equal to searched key, we get it
if (current != NULL && current->get_key() == key) {
std::cout << "key: " << key << ", exists" << std::endl;
return 1;
// if current is NULL that means we have reached to end of the level
// if current's key is not equal to key that means we have to insert node between update[0] and current node
if(current == NULL || current->get_key() != key){
// Generate a random level for node
int random_level = get_random_level();
// If random level is greater thar skip list's current level, initialize update value with pointer to header
if(random_level > _skip_list_level){
for(int i = _skip_list_level+1; i < random_level+1; i++){
update[i] = _header;
_skip_list_level = random_level;
//create new node with random level generated
Node<K,V>* insert_node = create_node(key, value, random_level);
for (int i = 0; i < random_level; ++i) {
insert_node->forward[i] = update[i]->forward[i];
update[i]->forward[i] = insert_node;
std::cout << "Successfully inserted key:" << key << ", value:" << value << std::endl;
_element_count ++;
return 0;
template<typename K, typename V> int SkipList<K, V>::get_random_level(){ int k = 1; while (rand() % 2) { k++; } k = (k < _max_level) ? k : _max_level; return k; };
// create new node template<typename K, typename V> Node<K, V>* SkipList<K, V>::create_node(const K k, const V v, int level) { Node<K, V> *n = new Node<K, V>(k, v, level); return n; }
int main(){
SkipList<std::string, std::string> skipList(6);
skipList.insert_element("1", "a");
skipList.insert_element("3", "bc");
skipList.insert_element("7", "de");
skipList.insert_element("8", "def");
skipList.insert_element("9", "g");
skipList.insert_element("19", "hijk");
skipList.insert_element("19", "l");
std::cout << "skipList size:" << skipList.size() << std::endl;
// skipList.load_file();
std::cout << "skipList size:" << skipList.size() << std::endl;
return 0;
Successfully inserted key:1, value:a
Successfully inserted key:3, value:bc
Successfully inserted key:7, value:de
Successfully inserted key:8, value:def
Successfully inserted key:9, value:g
Successfully inserted key:19, value:hijk
key: 19, exists
skipList size:6
Searching element---------
Find key:9, value:g
Searching element---------
Not Found Key:18
*****Skip List*****
Level 0: : ; 1 : a; 19 : hijk; 3 : bc; 7 : de; 8 : def; 9 : g;
Level 1: : ; 1 : a; 7 : de;
Level 2: : ; 1 : a;
Level 3: : ;
Successfully deleted key 3
Successfully deleted key 7
skipList size:4
*****Skip List*****
Level 0: : ; 1 : a; 19 : hijk; 8 : def; 9 : g;
Level 1: : ; 1 : a;
Level 2: : ; 1 : a;