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A helper library for interacting with QRL nodes via GRPC


npm install @theqrl/node-helpers


import the helper class:

var QrlNode = require("@theqrl/node-helpers")
// or for ES6 style imports: import QrlNode from '@theqrl/node-helpers'

instantiate a new class object:

var ip = ''
var port = '19009'
var testnet = new QrlNode(ip, port)

make a connection to the node:

testnet.connect().then(() => {
  console.log(testnet.connection) // true if connection successful

make an API call (needs a node connection):

testnet.api('GetStats').then((result) => {

Complete example:

// example.js (requires node v10)

var QrlNode = require("@theqrl/node-helpers")

var ip = ''
var port = '19009'
var testnet = new QrlNode(ip, port)

testnet.connect().then(() => {
  console.log(testnet.connection); // true if connection successful
  // we can now start using the API
  testnet.api('GetStats').then((result) => {


Development of this module

Development requires node.js version ≥ 16. If using nvm (which is recommended) then nvm use inside the cloned repo will set a correct node version.

npm install to install dependecies

npm run build will transpile ES6 JS using babel for the deployed module

Contact if you are interested in contributing. PRs welcomed.